Wednesday, May 30, 2007

6 Months Old!!!!!!!

Okay, this picture is actually from last week, but he looks so darn adorable in it, I just had to throw it in here. He is a total mama's boy and smiles at me ALL THE TIME! I love it.

We had a BBQ with several friends last night, the cleanup, however, had to wait until this morning. Dylan decided that he was going to be stubborn and just sit there while mom did all the cleaning. Since he's not quite sitting up on his own yet, this Bumbo seat is his best friend. Best invention ever!

Today our little Dylan is 6 months old! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. He is now weighing in at 18 lbs 4 oz and is 26 inches long. According to the growth charts, he is right in the 50th percentile for boys his age. My little boy is growing up <<<<>>>>. And since he's half a year old, I HAD to take some new pictures. Yes, he did pull himself onto the stair like that! He is really beginning to take a liking to Taz. Taz, however, was told to leave Dylan alone one too many times and won't go near him too often. Oops! Live and learn.


Angela said...

How time flies! 6 months already? He's a cutie, that's for sure!

Meaja said...

Precious precious! I can tell you are loving parenthood! Isn't it wonderful how your child looks at you with pure love?! We love the parent club MUCHO!

Alena said...

So adorable!