Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I got tagged!

Between Husband and Wife

What is your husbands name?
Michael H Elkington

How long did you date?
We dated on and off from 1999-2004, exclusively for about 8 months before getting engaged

How old is he?

Who eats more?
Definitely Mike

Who said "I love you" first?
I said it first - I was a real go-getter:)

Who's taller?
Mike is by about 8 1/2 inches

Who can sing better?
Well, since Mike won't ever sing, I am left to assume that he cannot carry a tune. By default, I am the better singer.

Who is smarter?
We excel in different areas. He would tell you that he is by far the smarter one.

Who does the laundry?
ME! Although, Mike will do HIS laundry if I am not around.

Who pays the bills?
I pay them, but we go over our budget together each week.

Who sleeps on the right side?
Depends on which way you are looking at the bed. If you're laying the bed, I sleep on the right.

Who mows the lawn?
The HOA does. We live in a townhouse, so all the grassy areas are 'community' zones. In Vegas, we had 'desert' landscaping which is a nice term for ROCKS.

Who cooks dinner?
When cooking actually happens, I do it.

Who drives?
Most of the time, Mike. I can't stand listening to him tell me how to drive.

Who is more stubborn?
Ya know, I used to say me. But, over the years I have learned that he is just as stubborn as I am - just about different things.

Who kissed who first?
Mike kissed me first, but I gave him all the signs of being interested.

Who asked who out first?
I asked him out first - long story that I don't wish to share.

Who proposed?
Mike proposed and it was very private and very sweet.

Who has more friends?
I do, but mostly because Mike couldn't care less about being social.

Who is more sensitive?
Definitely me.

Who has more siblings?
Mike does, by one

Who wears the pants?
Depends on who you ask, wait, no it doesn't - we both say ME!

I tag: Melanie, Melinda, Georgette, Angela


Melinda said...

Ahh, I am glad I checked on here. I will do this later this afternoon. Hope you are having fun in Vegas lady!!!!!!!!!
I will have to admit we will have very similiar answers.

Angela said...

Ah ha! I'm glad I reread your post. The first time around, I conveniently didn't notice that you tagged me!