Saturday, September 6, 2008

Big Boy Update

The toddler bed has gone much better than I anticipated. Dylan is still really excited that he can now climb into and out of his bed with ease. He is having a little trouble with naps; I usually find him curled up on his bedroom floor. At night, however, he goes to sleep in his bed without getting up to play, stays there all night, and has been waking up at his normal time of 6:30am.

Mike and I are pleasantly surprised...the kid just likes to keep us guessing.


Meaja said...

Ah so glad you are having good luck with the tod-bed! You just never know what the child is thinking or wanting to do when they are given a tad more freedom: permission to cause havoc!! ha

Stacy said...

That's great Dylan is in a toddler bed!

I tagged you. Check out my blog for the info.