Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Just wanted to take a minute to say Happy Birthday to Mike. He gets to enjoy one more year of being a young 'un. Next year marks the big 3-0!

We are so lucky to have you at the head of our family. In honor of today, here are 10 reasons I love my husband. (This is by no means a conclusive list)

1. Always makes sure to kiss/hug each of us before he leaves for work.
2. He does what I ask him to, even if he has no interest in doing so.
3. The way he plays with Dylan...they are so fun to watch interact.
4. He takes care of the dog because he knows I don't like to do it.
5. His sarcastic sense of humor is still making me laugh after 10 years.
6. He takes full responsibility for providing for the temporal needs of our family.
7. Our little family is the most important thing to him.
8. He loves his family and treats his parents and siblings with respect (the sarcasm is love...I promise).
9. He tries to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, even though his initial impression is usually right.
10. He likes to shop. You'll never get him to admit it, but the man will spend an hour in the dressing room at Macy's trying on 3 shirts!

Mike never really 'wants' anything for his birthday and I'm tired of attempting to surprise him with a cool gift that ends up either getting returned or just sitting on his dresser. So, my gift to him this year is an Adults Only weekend. My parents graciously agreed to watch Dylan for the weekend so that Mike and I can do whatever we feel like doing. While Mike is excited about his gift, I think it may actually benefit me more.


Would't You Like to Know said...

Happy Birthday Mike! Have a great weekend.

Patty said...

And we are thoroughly enjoying our time with Dylan!

Stacy said...

I hope the Birthday was a good one. I have only met him a few times, but he seems and sounds like such a wonderful guy!