Sunday, June 7, 2009

For the past few months, Dylan and I have been attending a Toddle Time class at our local community center. It was a lot of fun. The teacher guided us through song & dance, finger plays, free play time, and many other activities. I loved spending this time with Dylan, knowing that he is learning new things and participating in a structured class to prepare him for future adventures. All of his little friends were in the class, too. Friends always make everything double the fun!
Mommy and Dylan playing telephone with the cones.

Dylan's favorite part of class was free play time. He loved climbing through the tunnels.

At the end of class, each kid gets a turn for something special during the 'Goodbye' song. Normally they each get to pound on a drum. This week, however, Miss Michelle pulled out the fun stuff...a trampoline! Dylan might be getting one of these for his Birthday...he has turned into quite the jumping bean lately.
We will definitely miss our weekly class. Good thing we have the pool to take over. Yay for summer!


Patty said...

I love the video! It is so Dylan..he just has so much fun!!

Keighly Burt said...

i love this video... looks like he does like jumpping!
i am xomming down tomorrow!

Courtney said...

Aw, that video of him on the trampoline is so cute! Look at that huge smile on his face!