Friday, January 22, 2010

Crazy Life

We all have those periods in our lives when things just seem to go haywire. You know the don't know whether to laugh, cry, throw things, yell, etc. Well, the past month and a half has been one of those times for us.

The week before Christmas, Mike got laid off from his job. This happened about three weeks after he had been assured that he was safe and had no reason to worry about anything. Talk about having the wind knocked out of you. We were lucky because his termination wasn't effective until Dec 31st and they gave him 4 weeks severance pay. We figured with that, we could be okay financially through the middle of February. At that point, if he didn't have a job we would have to move in with my parents until he found something. Needless to say, we have been stressed out and depressed. Very bad timing with me now being in my 3rd trimester. I have to tell y'all, Cobra isn't cheap!

I'll leave out all the details of the job search and skip right to the good news. After a few interviews, a personality test and a few weeks of just waiting around...Mike got an offer last night. It is a good offer and this will be a very good career move for him. This new job will allow him more growth opportunity and give him more responsibility. Both things he has been craving, but wasn't likely to get soon with his old company. Downside (which will hopefully turn into a good thing later)...we are moving...AGAIN. It seems we just can't stay put anywhere longer than a year and a half. Our new destination is Virginia Beach.

Since this all just happened in the past 24 hours, I'm a little short on details and probably will be for a little while. My head is spinning with all that needs to be done. I guess the positive to that is I don't have time right now to dwell on the fact that I have to leave this place that I love and the amazing friends I have here. Believe me...there will be MANY MANY tears shed in the future. Luckily, the distance is a short 3 hour drive so I'm not cut off completely.

So, yeah, that's our big news. Stay tuned for further installments to the saga!


Mandi Roth said...

Glad things worked out with the job, sad your moving again. The lord does work in our lives. I wish you the best on your new adventure.

Patty said...

So happy...for the job. So sad that it's a little farther away from us. At least it's still a one day drive!!

Angela said...

Congrats, great news! What a relief!

Melanie said...

It's too bad that new job can't bring you out, maybe UTAH! I'm glad it all worked out!

Stacy said...

I'm so happy for you guys! We have been praying for you guys, and I knew things would work out well. You guys are amazing. I'm sorry you have to move, but I haven't ever been to Virginia Beach...ha ha. Congratulations!

Alena said...

all I can say is wow, congrats, and try not to stress too much, looks like things worked out. Maybe not as planned but I am glad he has a job now.

Meaja said...

When you're doing right, you can't go wrong. Might suffer a tad but lookie now! So glad things are looking up for your family! On FB I knew you meant the move but I was trying to be positive on the baby girl! :)