Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Big Boy

I finally took Dylan to the pediatrician for his 2 year check-up today. A little late, I know, but she has gotten super busy and this was the earliest I could get him in...I made this appointment in October! I digress...

Dylan is growing perfectly. He has gained 1.5 lbs since his 18 month appointment and now weighs in at 29 lbs (65%). His height increased significantly; he is now over 35 inches tall - that is a 4 inch growth spurt in six months! The percentile is somewhere in the 80's. This was good news because I was worried he was going to have my height and Mike's head size...not a good combo! His head is now in the 80-something percentile; down from 98th. Some might say he is growing into his head. Along with these measurements, I took him to get some new shoes yesterday and discovered that he has downgraded from an extra wide to simply a wide foot. Hooray! That means that I don't have to buy ALL his shoes from Stride almost $50 a pair, that gets mighty expensive. Especially when you consider that I have bought him a new size shoe 3 times in the past two months.

The Dr was very happy with his motor skills, comprehension, and vocabulary. We do need to take him to see an allergist because the poor child has a perpetually runny/stuffy nose and headache because of allergies. We need to figure out what is causing his reactions so we can manage things a little better. She also recommended that I take him for a speech evaluation. Dylan has a hard time pronouncing certain letters/syllables that really shouldn't be a problem at his age. He's also not speaking in phrases/sentences. She made sure to point out that he could just be a little behind the curve and could get these things on his own over the next year (he was a late talker anyway). But, he could definitely benefit from speech therapy and since I am a taxpaying citizen, why not take advantage of a benefit offered by the county/schools. If anyone has had a toddler in speech therapy, I'd love to hear from you. I'm just curious to know about your experience and find out a little of what they do to help someone so young.

All in, my big boy is growing up and is strong and healthy. I really can't ask for a better report.


Angela said...

I'm still laughing. Glad to hear he's growing into his head! Sounds like it was good news all around! Good luck with the speech therapy!

Patty said...

That's our big boy. If you want, I can put you in touch with a speech therapist from Millburn where I worked. She could probably answer any questions you might have.