Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Surprise Winter Blast

Last night, while watching the news, we were informed that sometime during the middle of the night our area of North Carolina would be under a Winter Storm Warning. The meteorologists were predicting between 2-4 inches of snow. To most of you, I know that is no big deal...life would continue as normal, just with snow everywhere. Here in the Raleigh area, however, this is a Winter Storm! Last year, we saw a light dusting of snow that melted within 20 minutes. Growing up in Ohio and Michigan and then attending college in Utah, I was quite accustomed to snow accumulation and ice storms. It has now been about 4 years since I have experienced a good snow fall...not exactly something you see much of in Las Vegas and apparently not in our section of NC either. I have to admit, I was very excited at the prospect of some snow...mostly because I wanted to see Dylan's reaction.

Schools started announcing closings last night, as did some businesses. Mike got up this morning, as usual, and started getting ready for work. While he was showering, I turned on the news to check road conditions. The newscasters began the report by saying that anybody who doesn't have to go out today, should not go out. So, Mike had a snow day! We have ended up with around 5 inches of snow. This area is simply not equipped to handle it...fun, fun.

After Dylan's nap, I bundled him and myself up and we ventured outside for some snow fun. Here is our backyard in the middle of the storm.

Dylan was very hesitant to step out into the yard, but he was more than happy to stand on the patio and try to catch the flakes.

Being the mean Mom that I am, I decided to throw a couple snow balls at Dylan to see what he would do. I think the pictures explain his reaction.

In his attempt to escape my snowballs, he fell on his knees and couldn't figure out how to get up without putting his hands in the snow. He just whined until I went over and helped him. I must admit, it was pretty funny.

While Dylan wasn't as into our Winter Wonderland, Taz was having a great time. He was trotting all over the place and took a couple breaks to eat some of the snow.

Mike has no clue where his Winter gear is hiding, so he only joined us for a moment. It was long enough for his hands to be cold, so he warmed them in the hot tub.


Patty said...

How much fun was that??? Wish I could be there to play in the snow...at least for a few minutes!!

Jorj said...

Holy huge back yard! I am so jealous! But not of the snow...out first winter here we had snow and lots of it every saturday for 6 weeks straight. I figured if we could make it through that, then we had it made. Glade Mike was able to spend the day with you guys!

Angela said...

Those are some great pictures!