Saturday, March 14, 2009

Full of Small Surprises

Continuing on with the Daddy/Son bonding theme of last week...Mike must be trying to win some points...with me & with Dylan.

I was grabbing a peaceful few moments to shower today. As I was standing at the sink brushing my teeth, I hear Dylan and Mike shouting 'Mom...Byyyeee!' Naturally, I open the door to make sure I heard them correctly and see what they were doing. Sure enough, they were getting ready to go somewhere. Dylan (who had been in his pj's when I entered the bathroom) was now fully dressed and had his jacket on. Mike was collecting keys, wallet and such. I asked where they were going and Mike said 'to the mall.' First of all, I have to laugh because I swear my husband is the only one who actually sets off to go the mall on his own. Second, this little thrill at the thought of a couple 'alone' hours entered my head. Mike proceeded to tell me he needed to return some pants and look for some jeans for work. 'Plus,' he added, 'you look like you could use a break.' REALLY?!

So, here I sit enjoying my peace and quiet. I think I'll continue with my new obsession with 'LOST'. Hope everyone else is having as fabulous a weekend as I am.


Patty said...

Hope you enjoyed your "moments" of pure bliss!

Angela said...

Lucky lady!!!

Mandi Roth said...

That's great!! what a sweet and thoughtful husband. :) I hope you enjoy your time alone and get caught up on lost!

Larissa said...

awwww:-) Thank heavens for small favors!!!

Stacy said...

What a great husband!!

Melinda said...

Your hubby sure scored points with me! Sweet! So how was the time to yourself? Did the boys have an adventure while they were gone?