Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Quirky Child

I know that every child has their little quirky things they enjoy doing. Dylan's new fascination just happens to involve crayons. The child will sit for an hour and rip the paper off of them. I have been vaccuuming my carpets at least once a day to clean up all the little Crayola shreds.

Why this is so enjoyable to him is beyond me. But, I am greatful that he has found an activity to occupy him when I just don't feel like it!


Patty said...

You are doing a great job with the camera!

Meaja said...

Hmm he likes detail, he likes doing things w/ his hands, and he's content on his own.....HELLO he's a perfect child!! And I bet he'll have mad skills later in life that you'll benefit from like a chef! Lucky!

Stacy said...

That is so funny! At least he is just ripping the paper off the crayons and not coloring on the walls, doors, etc., with them. He is so cute!!

Jorj said...

At least he just peels them! Briana STILL eats them every chance she gets!! What a mess that is!!!

Would't You Like to Know said...

First, good camera work lady!! Second, I'm glad you can find joy in it. I would go insane. We were given children to compliment us. :-)

I finally got a chance to catch up with you again. I wish we could do it in person. I really need to find some mommy friends out here. Miss you!

Angela said...

I agree with Stacy, thank goodness he's occupied by the paper and not by drawing on walls! You should invest in a dust buster! They are the greatest, I use mine several times a day!