Thursday, December 27, 2007

Doing Big Boy Stuff

Dylan has officially joined the land of the walking. He took his first three steps a week ago and has been adding to that every day since then. He loves it! Every time he realizes he is walking by himself, he gets a huge grin on his face and starts laughing. He knows he is doing something really cool and will look around to make sure that someone is watching him.

He is also increasing his vocabulary. In addition to Dada, gog (dog) and yum, he has started saying Hi Tazzy (that is our dog, Taz) and waves Bye Bye on command. We are so excited to experience all of these learning steps with him. Being parents is such a wonderful blessing.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

O Christmas Tree

My mother has always loved the Christmas season, and I picked up on her enthusiasm for it. I had no idea that having a child would make me enjoy it a hundred times more than I already did. Dylan has been so good with the tree, decorations, and even the presents. He has not tried to take any of the ornaments off the tree. He will just sit and stare at it and occasionally reach out and lightly touch the branches. Sooooo cute!

Dylan recently discovered our Swiss ball in the exercise room. He has made a game out of rolling it around the house. He gets this huge grin on his face and then just runs laps pushing the ball.

I believe that we have found the greatest toy on Earth. A box of trash bags!!!!!!

Dylan spent about 40 minutes taking each back out of the box, then rolling around on the kitchen floor, then trying to shove each bag back into the box.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Dylan literally spent all of Saturday morning whining and screaming, EXCEPT for when we sat on Santa's lap. Santa jingled the bells and Dylan actually laughed! I am convinced that he didn't want Santa to put his name on the naughty list. I, of course, had to sit between Dylan and Santa -- otherwise this picture never would have happened.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

It's My Birthday, and I'll Cry if I Want To!

Dylan's special day started with a trip to the pediatrician for his 1 year check up. He is a shorty with a big head. He currently suffers from MAJOR separation & stranger anxiety and screamed for the entire 20 minute visit. He was running a fever from his cold and teeth, so no shots. Yippee! He did get poked in the toe for some blood tests.

Great Grandma & Papa Burt bought Dylan this 'motorcycle' for his birthday. Doesn't he look so cool on it?

Dylan was more interested in climbing all over and pushing around his presents than he was in opening them.

Dylan ordered Cheese Tortellini for his Birthday dinner. Mike and I could not cut it up quick enough for him. Dinner was a big hit.

Most people do not believe me that Dylan can throw a tantrum. But, here is the proof. These last two pictures perfectly exemplify the past two days.