Thursday, April 3, 2014

Life as I know it

Some of you know, some of you don't - my family has spent the past 15 months being separated by many many miles.  We have also spent the past 15 months traveling back and forth to Brazil.  One month Mike flies to us, the next month I buck up and travel for 18 straight hours alone with my children.  It has been a very difficult year, but also has been one amazing adventure for all of us.  I think it is so awesome that my children have been able to experience another part of the world at such young ages.  We have two more trips in store before, hopefully, this 18 month adventure is complete and we can resume a 'normal' family life.

I'm jetting off to Brazil by myself later today.  I always get a little nervous to leave my children for an extended period of time, but I know they will be well taken care of.  For me, this will be a time to relax and recharge before we set off on another stressful adventure of moving and starting over yet again.  I'm hoping I return to Michigan refreshed and ready to tackle the huge task at hand. 

I have learned a few things the past year or so, one of them being that I have been blessed with two very awesome children.  Two children who adapt to change way better than I would expect from people so young.  Two children who are so loving and have bonded together to make a tough period of life much easier than it could have been.  I have also learned that I am much stronger than I ever gave myself credit for.  I have mostly had to rely on myself and lots of prayers to my Heavenly Father for the past year and a half.  I've also learned, however, to humble myself and ask for help from those around me.  I am blessed to live in close proximity to some amazing neighbors who have turned out to be some amazing friends who I might as well just call my family.  I am also amazed that when some relationships may have crumbled under the pressure, my marriage has survived this separation and is actually stronger than I ever could have imagined.  Mike and I definitely do not take each other for granted anymore and the time we spend together is taken full advantage of.  I am so excited to go spend a few days alone with my best friend (who I miss more than words can say).

And with those few thoughts...I'm off!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What about it Wednesday?

Lots of stuff happening around these parts lately.  Some days I actually feel like my head is spinning...for reals spinning.  Oh wait, that could just be the vertigo I occasionally suffer from.

Today I'm going to throw a big So What? to the fact that I have a TON of stuff to do - moving related stuff, getting ready for vacation related stuff, normal after school activity stuff, etc.  But, guess what I did instead?  Umm, I had my girlfriend over to start finally catching up on Downton Abbey.  Yep, I sat my behind on the couch and watched chick television all afternoon.  But, I can feel slightly okay about it because I got Dylan to school on time, I hit up my Totally Muscle class at the gym, took Lena to gymnastics, and listed a few things on Craigslist.  So see?  Not a totally wasted day.  Go me!

Oooo, it's been a while since my last post.  Guess what blog world?  We signed a contract on a house in a town just on the outskirts of Charlotte!  I'm SO excited.  I have to fly back in a few weeks for the walkthrough and closing and then we will move for good as soon as Dylan is done with school mid-June. 

Isn't it so cute?!  The boy is pretty darn cute, too.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Five

Here are five things I'm thinking about today...

1.  One more week to we head off to North Carolina to go house hunting!!  Charlotte, here we come!

2.  I am currently obsessed with these squeeze packs of Justin's Maple Almond Butter.  Paired up with a fruit (usually a banana), it is the perfect snack after the hard core classes I've been going to at the gym.  Me likey a whole whole lot!

3.  I am really bored by my plain old blue iPhone case right now.  I love me some Kate Spade, which means I'm really digging this iPhone case.  Justifying the $40 price tag is tripping me up though.  *sigh*

4.  In desperate need of some new kicks for my Cardio/Boot Camp classes.  Really digging these Nike bad boys.  Early Birthday present perhaps?  Let's see what I can talk the hubs into next week while we're kid free for a few days.

5.  My kids have way too many toys, most of which do not get touched more than once a year (if that).  They know we are moving to a new house soon and I have promised them both they can pick out the colors for their new rooms, including bedding.  We've been browsing around occasionally...this one caught Lena's attention immediately.  Guess we'll be asking for PBK gift cards for her Birthday instead of toys.  Less toys makes me happy...a pink and/or purple room makes Lena happy...everybody wins.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Be Patient

Since we are about to jet off to Brazil again this week, I think my Be theme for February definitely needs to be Patient!
I need to be patient with my little munchkins while packing and traveling and spending lots of time alone in a tiny apartment.  Admittedly, they are probably the best little travelers I have ever met.  That is most likely due to how many times they have been on an airplane.  I still can't believe that at 7 and 3 years old, this will be their 3rd trip out of the country.
I also need to be patient for sanity's sake.  If you've never been to a 3rd world just have no idea.  I had no idea how good we have it in the USA until I went to Brazil for the first time.  Things just do not work the same.  People do not move at the same pace.  Many of the conveniences I take for granted are not to be found. 
With an impending move in a few months, I also need to be patient with the process.  I am so anxious to get back to North Carolina, but time seems to be at a standstill.  I have to keep telling myself to be patient because there are a lot of things that need to happen in the next 4 months.  June will come soon enough.
So, yeah...I need to be patient.

In honor of our travels this week...we will be going from mountains of snow and freezing cold to this...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Getting Back To Business

It's a new year and I'm ready to get back to blogging.  This little journal of mine has taken a back seat the past couple of years, but I really need to get back at it - for the sake of my children having something to help them remember their childhood!

I'll post an update later, but for now I want to jot down something I've been thinking about lately.  I am not one for resolutions every year.  But, I do like goals and those have seriously been lacking in my life.  So, I decided to give myself a one word motto for the coming year.  If I'm successful with it, perhaps that will be my new thing...give myself a word to focus on each year. 

My word for 2014 is:  BE.
Be Present
Be Focused
Be Kind
Be Honest
Be Happy
Be Patient
Be Loving

So many directions I can take this and I'm thinking perhaps I will focus on one Be each month this year.  Still need to figure that out, but for January I'm going to focus my attention on Being Loving...especially with my children.  Because really?  What's not to love about these munchkins?