Monday, September 29, 2008

Being a Mom

What a strange job this is! I had no idea that I would need to develop my detective skills once I was being called Mommy.

Dylan (& I) have been sick for the past three weeks. First, I had a really bad cough that turned out to be bronchitis. The day I was feeling better, Dylan came down with a pretty nasty cold. His nose was a completely snot faucet, high fever, coughing, couldn't sleep because he couldn't breathe - the works. Within two days, Mike and I both came down with the nasty cold. Now, any of you who know me well know that I do not like anything having to do with noses. Snot and boogers make me want to vomit. I have basically spent the last three weeks wiping noses and wiping snot/boogers off my furniture and clothes. Therefore, I have spent the past three weeks gagging and trying very hard not to lose what little food I was able to stomach.

Saturday was really the first day that all three of us were feeling mostly better. Dylan's nose still runs when he cries and I'm still a little stuffed up, but all in we are getting back to normal. But because life is never allowed to be boring, Dylan has developed a strange and somewhat bothersome 'rash' all over his bottom and extremities. I first noticed it while changing his diaper after naptime yesterday. I do what I always do when I have no clue what's going on - called my mom! She thought maybe chicken pox, so I was all prepared to start dealing with them. But, the stupid bumps went away after about an hour. So, I thought, Cool...guess that's done. Nope! Remember, life is never boring. These suckers showed back up with a vengeance around bedtime. I'll spare you pictures, but they look like huge mosquito bites and they are all over Dylan's booty, legs and arms. After doing some Internet research and talking to a couple friends, I determined he has hives. Called the Dr this afternoon and that is her assumption, too.

The only thing I know that Dylan has had different this weekend is purple grape juice. So, that has now been eliminated from his diet and I am doping him up with Benadryl every four hours. Hopefully this is the cure. I have a slight aversion to nasty looking things, so it's really bothering me that my son's perfect, soft skin is all messed up.

Being a Mom sure is eventful!

Friday, September 26, 2008


This week I would like to do a little comparison. Everyone is always telling us that Dylan looks exactly like Mike. I will admit, the two have strikingly similar features. Here are a couple pictures of Mike and I at about the same age Dylan is now.

Do you see the resemblance between Mike and I as toddlers? It's perfectly fine with me that people think Dylan looks like his Daddy. It is nice, however, to occasionally have someone tell me that Dylan looks like me. I mean, I went through all the hard work...shouldn't I get to make a claim on his looks, too?

What's the verdict?

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Boys

Dylan is getting to the age where he is actually starting to recognize his friends. It is so cute to see him run to greet his buddies when he sees them. I know, from experience, that the kid is all about routine and repetition. I suppose it's a good thing that he gets to see his friends a couple times a week. After two weeks of one, or both, of us being sick...we are finally back into the routine of playdates. Thank goodness!
My friend Jill had us over for a playdate not too long ago. The boys were enthralled with the fish tank!
Yep...this is pretty much the expression on Dylan's face everytime he sees his buddies.

Philip started walking a little over a month ago. I must say, he is pretty good at getting himself around on such an uneven surface.
These pictures were taken at the church building. Every Thursday morning we go to a class called Music Makers. The boys had a great time.

Philp, Jackson and Dylan didn't want to say goodbye.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Flashback Friday

The year 2008 means that I have officially been out of high school for 10 years. My high school reunion is coming up - the day after Thanksgiving. With that in mind, I have been feeling very nostalgic lately. I keep flipping through my photo albums and scrapbook from the good old days. All this reminiscing gave me a great idea: Flashback Friday! If I remember, each week I will post a picture from 'back in the day.' Some of you should be VERY afraid. Ha Ha Ha!

Two of my best friends in high school: Alena and Adrianna. We were always together at school and creating 'fun' on the weekends. I sure do miss these girls.

I have a feeling that you all will be seeing Angela in a lot of my flashback photos. She is on almost every page of my high school scrapbook. Our Senior year of high school, we went on a week long trip to Paris and London. It was so much fun and I would love to do it again someday. We were such hotties.

Are you scared Ang?

Monday, September 15, 2008

A little game we play

In yet another effort to express his independence, Dylan has started playing a new game with me. It basically involves him running away from me at any given moment and then trying to hide so I can't 'catch' him.

The other day I was in the middle of taking some sheets out of the dryer when I caught a whiff of something really nasty. Those of you who have been around toddlers know how disgusting a dirty diaper can be. Well, this was one of those that just could not wait even another minute. So, I told Dylan to follow me into his room so we could take care of all the nastiness. Up until the past week or so, me telling him to come would have sufficed. Now, however, he will follow me for a few seconds to make me think he is being obedient, but when I am unsuspecting he turns and runs to hide somewhere (laughing all the while). This time he ran right back to the laundry closet and hopped into the dryer with all my clean, pleasant smelling sheets. Blah!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Always Remember Him

I read this on a friend's blog and thought it was a great reminder of how the Lord is always with us, even when we are not with Him.


You say you will never forget where you were when you heard the news On September 11, 2001. Neither will I. I was on the 110th floor in a smoke filled room with a man who called his wife to say 'Good-Bye.' I held his fingers steady as he dialed. I gave him the peace to say, 'Honey, I am not going to make it, but it is OK..I am ready to go.'

I was with his wife when he called as she fed breakfast to their children. I held her up as she tried to understand his words and as she realized he wasn't coming home that night.

I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor when a woman cried out to Me for help. 'I have been knocking on the door of your heart for 50 years!' I said. 'Of course I will show you the way home - only believe in Me now.'

I was at the base of the building with the Priest ministering to the injured and devastated souls. I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven. He heard my voice and answered.

I was on all four of those planes, in every seat, with every prayer. I was with the crew as they were overtaken. I was in the very hearts of the believers there, comforting and assuring them that their faith has saved them.

I was in Texas, Virginia, California, Michigan, Afghanistan. I was standing next to you when you heard the terrible news. Did you sense Me?

I want you to know that I saw every face. I knew every name - though not all know Me. Some met Me for the first time on the 86th floor. Some sought Me with their last breath. Some couldn't hear Me calling to them through the smoke and flames; 'Come to Me... this way... take my hand.' Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me. But, I was there.

I did not place you in the Tower that day. You may not know why, but I do. However, if you were there in that explosive moment in time, would you have reached for Me?

Sept. 11, 2001, was not the end of the journey for you. But someday your journey will end. And I will be there for you as well. Seek Me now while I may be found. Then, at any moment, you know you are 'ready to go.' I will be in the stairwell of your final moments.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Totally Random Tag

Here are the rules...
1. link to the person who has tagged you:
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write six random things about yourself
4. Tag 5 people. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Here are six random things about me:

1. My absolute favorite thing to do is Read. My husband calls me a nerd, but I don't care. This has been my favorite hobby for as long as I can remember. There is nothing like escaping in a good novel. I don't, however, limit my reading to fiction novels. I will read pretty much anything I pick up. I am a magazine, book, newspaper junkie!

2. I am fairly talented with musical instruments. The only one I still play is the piano. Growing up, however, I tried my hand at the flute and violin. I really wish I had stuck with the violin; such a beautiful instrument. I love reading the music and trying to 'play' it in my head and then making the connection from my head to my hands. I would love to learn how to play the guitar, organ, saxophone and harp.

3. Even though I love being a stay at home mom, I am not a very good homemaker. I do not enjoy cooking. I don't fix things. I despise cleaning and only do it when necessary. I get bored with the monotony. I DO, however, love being home with my child. I love the quality time I get to spend with him. But I also know that once he is in school full time, I will further my education and re-enter the workforce.

4. I would love to live in a foreign country. I realize that it's not the safest thing for an American to do right now, but I hope that some day the world will be safe enough for me to live elsewhere. I would love to immerse myself in another culture and see how a different part of the world 'does things.' Places I think about are: Germany (for family heritage reasons), Switzerland, Dubai, Brazil (because I know Mike would love to go back someday), and Japan.

5. On the flip side of #4...I absolutely love living in North Carolina. I could be perfectly content living in this area the rest of my life.

6. I am proud to be LDS. I never have felt like I am a very good member missionary. I have felt inadequate to share the gospel with non-member friends because I always thought I lacked a deep knowledge of gospel principles. As I have gotten older, I have realized that I don't have to know everything. I do just fine by being a good example. I know that I don't always do the right thing...we all have our faults, but I try. I stand up for what I believe in.

Now I tag...
Michelle, Tanya, Laura, Destiny, Mom

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Big Boy Update

The toddler bed has gone much better than I anticipated. Dylan is still really excited that he can now climb into and out of his bed with ease. He is having a little trouble with naps; I usually find him curled up on his bedroom floor. At night, however, he goes to sleep in his bed without getting up to play, stays there all night, and has been waking up at his normal time of 6:30am.

Mike and I are pleasantly surprised...the kid just likes to keep us guessing.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What have I done?

The past three mornings when I have opened Dylan's bedroom door to get him up, I have discovered him with half of his body in the crib and half of it out. He has literally been teetering on top of the front bars. Rather than spend the money to invest in a parachute for the top of his crib, I just decided it was time to convert it to a toddler bed. I was not planning on doing it quite yet, but in a state of utter boredom this morning, I took the plunge. Most likely, I will end up regretting this hasty decision, but for today Dylan's excitement about his big boy bed was totally worth it.

He immediately climbed into his 'new' bed.

Yeah, this is pretty much why the bed was converted this morning.
Looks like I have some long nights and difficult naps in my future.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Three B's = Success!

I've mentioned before that Dylan has super bad separation anxiety. I'm not exaggerating at all when I say it's the worst case I've ever seen. The past couple weeks, however, we have had some significant breakthroughs with him. The first time, I had my friend Renee babysitting him because Mike and I had to be at the same appointment. I loaded her up with all of Dylan's favorite things (the three B's, if you will): blankie, binky and Backyardigans. I was running a little late and really didn't have much time to get him adjusted at her house, so I pretty much just dropped him off and ran back out the door. The entire time I was gone (about two hours) I was dreading going to pick him up because I was positive that he screamed the entire time. When I got back to Renee's, she informed me that he didn't cry at all! At one point he started to get a little weepy, but she just cuddled with him and he was fine. Score 1!

The second breakthrough was when Mike and I went to Myrtle Beach. Gramma Daniel took Dylan out shopping for a while on the day we left. By the time they got home, we were already gone. Gramma said that Dylan ran around the house shouting "Yeah" (that is how he calls for me) and when he finally realized that I wasn't home, he started crying. But, after a little bit of snuggling on Gramma's lap with the three B's he was fine the rest of the weekend. Score 2!

Score 3 has been a slightly longer process. Dylan started going to nursery at church back in May. Right around the time he started nursery, I was called to teach the CTR7 class in Primary. The leaders (knowing all about Dylan's problem) told me to take a month or so and get him adjusted and then just let them know when I was ready to start teaching. Well, after a month of attending nursery with Dylan things just were not getting any better. If I so much as moved across the room, he would flip out. So, my solution was to have Dad take him to nursery so I could start teaching my class. Yeah, that lasted about 3 weeks. Mike is really not into kids in the first place, but to throw him in a small room with about 8 children under the age of 2 was just too overwhelming. Dylan did not help matters because he just screamed for the entire two hours. I talked to the Primary President and had her get a sub for my class for a few weeks and I started going to nursery again. Dylan was perfectly fine! The 3rd week was when Renee and my mom watched him and had no problems. I talked to his nursery teachers and we decided to just let him scream as long as he needed to. I dropped him off equipped with two of the three B's (blankie and binky...Backyardigans really isn't too appropriate for Church, although the kids might have loved me). Apparently, Dylan cried off and on for about 20 minutes, but managed to participate in snack and lesson time! Like I said, Score 3!

Now, do you understand completely why I'm so excited about this? This means that perhaps my dear husband and I will manage to get time alone more than once a year!

I have said it before, but I'm saying it again with the most heartfelt gratitude I can muster...THANK YOU 'Aunt' Angela for making Dylan his blankie! I can never repay you for the relief this comfort has brought to our lives!