Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Three B's = Success!

I've mentioned before that Dylan has super bad separation anxiety. I'm not exaggerating at all when I say it's the worst case I've ever seen. The past couple weeks, however, we have had some significant breakthroughs with him. The first time, I had my friend Renee babysitting him because Mike and I had to be at the same appointment. I loaded her up with all of Dylan's favorite things (the three B's, if you will): blankie, binky and Backyardigans. I was running a little late and really didn't have much time to get him adjusted at her house, so I pretty much just dropped him off and ran back out the door. The entire time I was gone (about two hours) I was dreading going to pick him up because I was positive that he screamed the entire time. When I got back to Renee's, she informed me that he didn't cry at all! At one point he started to get a little weepy, but she just cuddled with him and he was fine. Score 1!

The second breakthrough was when Mike and I went to Myrtle Beach. Gramma Daniel took Dylan out shopping for a while on the day we left. By the time they got home, we were already gone. Gramma said that Dylan ran around the house shouting "Yeah" (that is how he calls for me) and when he finally realized that I wasn't home, he started crying. But, after a little bit of snuggling on Gramma's lap with the three B's he was fine the rest of the weekend. Score 2!

Score 3 has been a slightly longer process. Dylan started going to nursery at church back in May. Right around the time he started nursery, I was called to teach the CTR7 class in Primary. The leaders (knowing all about Dylan's problem) told me to take a month or so and get him adjusted and then just let them know when I was ready to start teaching. Well, after a month of attending nursery with Dylan things just were not getting any better. If I so much as moved across the room, he would flip out. So, my solution was to have Dad take him to nursery so I could start teaching my class. Yeah, that lasted about 3 weeks. Mike is really not into kids in the first place, but to throw him in a small room with about 8 children under the age of 2 was just too overwhelming. Dylan did not help matters because he just screamed for the entire two hours. I talked to the Primary President and had her get a sub for my class for a few weeks and I started going to nursery again. Dylan was perfectly fine! The 3rd week was when Renee and my mom watched him and had no problems. I talked to his nursery teachers and we decided to just let him scream as long as he needed to. I dropped him off equipped with two of the three B's (blankie and binky...Backyardigans really isn't too appropriate for Church, although the kids might have loved me). Apparently, Dylan cried off and on for about 20 minutes, but managed to participate in snack and lesson time! Like I said, Score 3!

Now, do you understand completely why I'm so excited about this? This means that perhaps my dear husband and I will manage to get time alone more than once a year!

I have said it before, but I'm saying it again with the most heartfelt gratitude I can muster...THANK YOU 'Aunt' Angela for making Dylan his blankie! I can never repay you for the relief this comfort has brought to our lives!


Stacy said...

This is awesome! It's always great when you know you can have more alone time with your hubby. Good job Dylan for getting better with the separation anxiety. Sage had it really bad too. I was so relieved when he had his break throughs.

Would't You Like to Know said...

Good job Dylan!! Match made in heaven...P's 3 B's are blankie, binky, bunny. LOL! Sometimes she adds baby and bear too!

Angela said...

Yahooo! A light at the end of the tunnel! I wish I had some extra fabric to make a smaller, travel-friendly blankie. Preston has one, we call it smidgen (sp?). I've looked for more of the same fabric for DD, but they don't carry it any more.