Monday, September 15, 2008

A little game we play

In yet another effort to express his independence, Dylan has started playing a new game with me. It basically involves him running away from me at any given moment and then trying to hide so I can't 'catch' him.

The other day I was in the middle of taking some sheets out of the dryer when I caught a whiff of something really nasty. Those of you who have been around toddlers know how disgusting a dirty diaper can be. Well, this was one of those that just could not wait even another minute. So, I told Dylan to follow me into his room so we could take care of all the nastiness. Up until the past week or so, me telling him to come would have sufficed. Now, however, he will follow me for a few seconds to make me think he is being obedient, but when I am unsuspecting he turns and runs to hide somewhere (laughing all the while). This time he ran right back to the laundry closet and hopped into the dryer with all my clean, pleasant smelling sheets. Blah!


Alena said...

ok, so I know its not REALLY funny, but the pictures are cracking me up! My sister is going through the same thing with my nephew. Such stinkers at this age.

Patty said...

Oh, my...he's really become adventurous!! Just don't let that door close on him or you'll really hear it.

momtoabean said...

He is so handsome :)

So did you have to throw in a handful of dryer sheets and start over? Hehehe!

Angela said...

Oh, sick! They just know, I swear. They have a sense for what could possibly be the most disgusting/germ-filled thing to do at any given moment. Whether it's putting their mouths on the grocery cart handle or sitting with their fully, stinky diapers on top of clean sheets!

Would't You Like to Know said...

I swear these two do the same things at the same time. Payton loves to run from me now too. It is so cute to hear them laugh it's hard to be mad when I catch her. Little terds.

Stacy said...

This is too funny! He is so cute! I bet you re-washed those sheets didn't you???