Monday, September 8, 2008

Totally Random Tag

Here are the rules...
1. link to the person who has tagged you:
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write six random things about yourself
4. Tag 5 people. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Here are six random things about me:

1. My absolute favorite thing to do is Read. My husband calls me a nerd, but I don't care. This has been my favorite hobby for as long as I can remember. There is nothing like escaping in a good novel. I don't, however, limit my reading to fiction novels. I will read pretty much anything I pick up. I am a magazine, book, newspaper junkie!

2. I am fairly talented with musical instruments. The only one I still play is the piano. Growing up, however, I tried my hand at the flute and violin. I really wish I had stuck with the violin; such a beautiful instrument. I love reading the music and trying to 'play' it in my head and then making the connection from my head to my hands. I would love to learn how to play the guitar, organ, saxophone and harp.

3. Even though I love being a stay at home mom, I am not a very good homemaker. I do not enjoy cooking. I don't fix things. I despise cleaning and only do it when necessary. I get bored with the monotony. I DO, however, love being home with my child. I love the quality time I get to spend with him. But I also know that once he is in school full time, I will further my education and re-enter the workforce.

4. I would love to live in a foreign country. I realize that it's not the safest thing for an American to do right now, but I hope that some day the world will be safe enough for me to live elsewhere. I would love to immerse myself in another culture and see how a different part of the world 'does things.' Places I think about are: Germany (for family heritage reasons), Switzerland, Dubai, Brazil (because I know Mike would love to go back someday), and Japan.

5. On the flip side of #4...I absolutely love living in North Carolina. I could be perfectly content living in this area the rest of my life.

6. I am proud to be LDS. I never have felt like I am a very good member missionary. I have felt inadequate to share the gospel with non-member friends because I always thought I lacked a deep knowledge of gospel principles. As I have gotten older, I have realized that I don't have to know everything. I do just fine by being a good example. I know that I don't always do the right thing...we all have our faults, but I try. I stand up for what I believe in.

Now I tag...
Michelle, Tanya, Laura, Destiny, Mom


Patty said...

I posted my "Tag" response on my blog. Enjoyed reading yours...I found out some things I didn't know about my daughter!

Angela said...

You're such a neat gal! Like your mom, I learned some things, too. BTW- I've always thought you were a great homemaker, you're house is always spotless!

Would't You Like to Know said...

Thanks a lot :-) I will do mine soon.

Stacy said...

I love these. It has been fun reading the stuff people have posted. You are such a great person! I really do admire you!