Monday, September 29, 2008

Being a Mom

What a strange job this is! I had no idea that I would need to develop my detective skills once I was being called Mommy.

Dylan (& I) have been sick for the past three weeks. First, I had a really bad cough that turned out to be bronchitis. The day I was feeling better, Dylan came down with a pretty nasty cold. His nose was a completely snot faucet, high fever, coughing, couldn't sleep because he couldn't breathe - the works. Within two days, Mike and I both came down with the nasty cold. Now, any of you who know me well know that I do not like anything having to do with noses. Snot and boogers make me want to vomit. I have basically spent the last three weeks wiping noses and wiping snot/boogers off my furniture and clothes. Therefore, I have spent the past three weeks gagging and trying very hard not to lose what little food I was able to stomach.

Saturday was really the first day that all three of us were feeling mostly better. Dylan's nose still runs when he cries and I'm still a little stuffed up, but all in we are getting back to normal. But because life is never allowed to be boring, Dylan has developed a strange and somewhat bothersome 'rash' all over his bottom and extremities. I first noticed it while changing his diaper after naptime yesterday. I do what I always do when I have no clue what's going on - called my mom! She thought maybe chicken pox, so I was all prepared to start dealing with them. But, the stupid bumps went away after about an hour. So, I thought, Cool...guess that's done. Nope! Remember, life is never boring. These suckers showed back up with a vengeance around bedtime. I'll spare you pictures, but they look like huge mosquito bites and they are all over Dylan's booty, legs and arms. After doing some Internet research and talking to a couple friends, I determined he has hives. Called the Dr this afternoon and that is her assumption, too.

The only thing I know that Dylan has had different this weekend is purple grape juice. So, that has now been eliminated from his diet and I am doping him up with Benadryl every four hours. Hopefully this is the cure. I have a slight aversion to nasty looking things, so it's really bothering me that my son's perfect, soft skin is all messed up.

Being a Mom sure is eventful!


Patty said...

You really do need to write a book or at the very least do some writing for a magazine. You have such a gift with words!!

Would't You Like to Know said...

Poor little butt. I hope it clears up soon. I know how "exciting" life can be as a mom. I need a boring day soon. :-)

momtoabean said...

Poor little guy. I hope it clears up!

Courtney said...

Aw, I hope he (and the rest of you!) are feeling better now!

By the way, thanks for the compliments. And actually if you look in that post, I linked to the apple bread recipe and the glitter pumpkins directions. (They are the underlined words). Let me know if you can't link to them for some reason and I can email it to you!

Stacy said...

You poor guys! I wish I were close so I could help you with the boogies! Ha ha. They don't bother me at all (but Kelly is like you).

Oh, and I wish you lived closer to us so you could do the block of the month quilting with us too. It is fun. We get our second block this month and I'm so excited! It would be really fun if you were here.

Angela said...

Hope you all feel better soon!

Melinda said...

sorry about the hives. glad they didn't last long!