Thursday, December 20, 2007

O Christmas Tree

My mother has always loved the Christmas season, and I picked up on her enthusiasm for it. I had no idea that having a child would make me enjoy it a hundred times more than I already did. Dylan has been so good with the tree, decorations, and even the presents. He has not tried to take any of the ornaments off the tree. He will just sit and stare at it and occasionally reach out and lightly touch the branches. Sooooo cute!

Dylan recently discovered our Swiss ball in the exercise room. He has made a game out of rolling it around the house. He gets this huge grin on his face and then just runs laps pushing the ball.

I believe that we have found the greatest toy on Earth. A box of trash bags!!!!!!

Dylan spent about 40 minutes taking each back out of the box, then rolling around on the kitchen floor, then trying to shove each bag back into the box.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Everything is so much *more* when you have kids. What a good boy to leave the ornaments alone! Why didn't I think of getting Preston a box of garbage bags for Christmas?? 40 whole minutes of peace??