Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's the small things

I know you have all been wondering how Dylan's speech therapy is going...ha ha ha. So, here is the update. The first 6 or 7 visits were terrible. Dylan and I both really like the therapist (Mindy), but Dylan was so not into doing what we wanted him to do. He is in the terrible two's and it is all about 'ME' right now. His sessions are only 30 minutes long and he basically threw a fit for 25 minutes of it each week. Mindy comes at 8:30 in the morning, so Thursday's were always getting off to a rough start. I was at the point of taking him out of therapy until he turns 3 and can go through the school system into a classroom setting where I don't have to be there. I told Mike two weeks ago that if the session went like the others, I was telling Mindy 'No more.'

Wouldn't you know that the kid was a complete angel! He was so agreeable and was repeating everything either Mindy or I said. It was awesome. So, I decided to test the waters another week. Lucky me, same thing. That is some serious progress, folks.

I have been working on teaching Dylan the letters of the alphabet for a few months. He knows all of them, but has refused to say 3 particular letters or make their sounds...F, M and P. In therapy we have been concentrating on 'P.' Dylan knows the letter; he can point it out and he will often pronounce it in place of a 'T', but the stinker will not repeat us when we try to get him to make the 'puh' sound. I walk around saying 'P says puh' all day long...I am tired of hearing that darn letter. Tonight, while Dylan was eating a bowl of colored Goldfish crackers, I was having him name all the colors as he shoved them in his mouth. When he pulled out a purple one, I did the normal 'P says PURPLE.' Lo and behold...

Dylan said 'Pur-Pel.' We had a mini-party right then and there. Now it's on to 'F' so Mike and I don't have to hear the word 'Haaaan' (Fan) anymore.


Patty said...

Hurray for Dylan...I knew he could do it! I'm with you, it will be nice to hear FAN instead of trying to figure out what HAAAN is:)

Angela said...

Way to go!!!!!