Lena is still my little teeny tiny girl. Her stats today were as follows: Weight 8lbs 15 oz (10%), Height 21 3/4 in (15%), and Head (well, I can't remember the measurements - she's in the 75th %). So, while she's not as big as most 2 month olds, she's not below the charts and she is consistently growing. All is good. Dr said she looks great healthwise. She does have colic and we just have to deal with that until it goes away. Hopefully in the next few weeks it will start to subside and Mike will learn that she doesn't really hate him. He just only sees her during the screamfest each evening and therefore that translates to her only wanting Mommy to take care of her. Guess I'm comforting.
Pretty little girl is smiling a lot, exploring her voice, loves to look at people's faces, and has started trying to grab things she finds interesting (mostly my hair, but occasionally some toys). We think she's going through a growth spurt right now because she started waking at night again, but that should pass soon. Her hair is starting to grow in and appears to be a dark blonde or really light brown. She has the tiniest fingers, legs and feet. I love her to pieces...even when she's screaming and won't let anyone else hold her.
She is so beautiful. And I love how much you love her....
What a sweetheart and so beautiful!!
Sooo presh!! She's a lucky lil lady!!
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