Saturday, May 14, 2011


Spring finally decided to grace us with her presence and I'm pretty sure every single person in the state of Michigan is rejoicing with me. We have been spending lots of time outside soaking up the perfect temps and sunshine...when the rain stops for a day.

Back in March, I was called into the Young Women's program at church. I teach the Mia Maids class. Since Dylan was born, I have always taught in the Junior Primary. I loved it for a couple years, but now that I have two small children at home whom I spend vast amounts of time with by myself, I was just irritated being around children for those two hours at church. I am loving working with the teenagers. The leaders in YW are so much fun and the girls are hilarious and have some good discussions. A couple weeks ago, they wanted to do a Photography night for their mid-week activity. Since I just finished taking a photography class, they asked me to teach them some things and then we went outside to practice. We all had a lot of fun.

Most of the girls in my class were able to make it and they all had a great time posing for pictures.

My kids are so so so happy to be able to finally play outside. Especially Dylan. He is loving riding his bike, running around, and practicing skateboarding. He begs to go outside for hours on end...until he finally gets what he wants.

Lena is so easy to please. Sit her on a blanket with some toys and she is happy as can be.

1 comment:

Meaja said...

warYep, we're saying the same thing over here....ahh warmth. But the Rocky Mtns likes to tease A LOT, snow one day and then 80's the next. Personally I love change.

Congrats on the YW's call! You'll be amazing in teaching those girls your great example of love and endurance.