Sunday, July 3, 2011


I've been having quite a few 'Aha!' moments the past couple weeks. Some good, some I haven't been so fond of. Such is life, right?

One thought I had the other day...I'm bored with life as is, I'm ready to move again. As soon as I had the thought, I scolded myself. Why on Earth would I think that?! Mike and I are going on 7 years of marriage and we have lived in as many houses, in 5 different states. Why, oh why, would I say I'm ready to move again?! Apparently all the moving we have done, has caused me to not be able to sit still and just enjoy life as is. So, in an attempt to spice things up without creating chaos, I'm trying to get more involved with some hobbies and activities.

I have been contemplating getting more involved with Photography for quite a while now. I lack self confidence when it comes to my artistic abilities. I don't feel that I was really blessed with talent in this area...I'm okay with that, I just realize my main talents lie elsewhere. That being said, it doesn't mean I can't learn and become good at something artsy. I have had many many people tell me I take good candid pictures and I do enjoy documenting life this way. So, here I go. Until the past few weeks, I only practiced with my kids and personal things. But, I have recently asked a few friends if I could practice using their little models. Although I still have a huge learning curve ahead of me, I feel like I'm progressing nicely and am actually proud of what I've done thus far.

Okay, just threw this one in because she just cracks me up. Love this girl to pieces.

Olivia is one of Dylan's friends from Primary at church. She is so super cute and has lots of personality, so I figured she'd be plenty of fun to shoot. This was my first shoot in the evening and I must say, while it is different to shoot with evening sun...I loved it! The color and contrast in the pictures was so vibrant! I must practice more at this hour.

Little Ava is another friend of Dylan's and her Mommy is one of my friends. They were my first practice session and they were so cooperative! We ended up with a perfect, cloudy day. Lighting was awesome and I really didn't have to do much editing. For the first time, I was able to actually say I was proud of something I'd created!

I've got a few other projects I'm working up the motivation to work on in the next little bit. Hopefully they turn out...that will help me keep up motivation to keep trying new things so I can find stuff to keep me entertained. I don't like when I have those 'bored' thoughts...usually something huge happens to us shortly after such thoughts.

I may have just jinxed myself.


Patty said...

Oh honey, you have so much talent that Heavenly Father has blessed you with and what He hasn't blessed us with we have the ability to learn, which is just what you are doing! Oh, and by the way, if a move ends up in the works, it had better be closer to us not further away!! Just saying....

Mandi Roth said...

Keep up the practice!! love your pics. They look great. :) You will learn don't give up!