Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Bring It On 2008!

I know that change is something that I should work on constantly, but the fresh start of a New Year is always a great motivator. Obviously, 2007 was a huge year of change for our little family. We survived our first year with a child, Mike accepted a new job, we moved across the country, I started working again, we visited with family more than we ever have. With such a busy year, it was hard to feel any sort of consistency. When I really sit back and think about it, however, I do notice a couple things. We have our families, we have our friends, and we have the Savior. What more can we really ask for? I think as long as we continue to recognize and accept those three things in our lives, we can handle everything else that comes our way. We are ready for all the possibilities this New Year brings.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Love the blog. I think we were on the same wavelength this morning! LOL. I need some tutoring if you have time...