Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's Coming

It's taken quite a while to get to this point, but I can honestly say that I am perfectly content with my life at this moment in time. I don't know that I have ever been able to say that before. I have always been depressed about something, waiting to find out if I have to move, waiting to finish school, wishing for Dylan to get to the next phase, trying to lose those last 5 lbs, worrying about some member of my family, etc. The other day, however, it occurred to me that I am happy!

I love where we are living and have recently found out that we get to stay put in this house for awhile longer. I have the most amazing friends here in North Carolina. We are always having fun and finding new things to do. I am enjoying our ward and have an easy calling. My family is safe and no major drama is going on. Mike's job is stable. Dylan is amazing. And, I have a few things going on for ME.

Growing up, my Dad used to say he prayed for learning experiences for us kids. Those learning experiences usually came in the form of trials. So, as I sit here content and happy with my life...I am well aware that I am probably about due for another learning experience. I just know something is coming my way, but have absolutely no clue what it's going to be.

I just have a ever get those?


Patty said...

After the past 8 years, I think we ALL deserve a time of peace and contentment...including YOU!!

Mandi Roth said...

I hope to get there someday, You think i would be, but those trials seem to never go away! It's so nice to have contentment and peace, glad you are there.

Angela said...

Good for you, girl! Like Patty said, you deserve a little peace and contentment! Not everyone can appreciate their blessings in the moment...I'm happy for you!