Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life Happens Fast

Why is it that time flies by when you want it to drag out? This is my last week living in North Carolina and it is going by WAY too quickly for my liking.

Mike started his new job on February 1st and left me and Dylan behind to finish the packing. He'll be back on his birthday (this Friday) to load up a moving truck and then we'll all drive to Virginia Beach on Saturday morning. Luckily, my mom was in town all last week helping me pack and it's mostly finished. Dylan and I have spent the week (so far) playing with our friends. I'm holding up okay, but I know that Friday evening I will be a complete wreck. I'm trying to hold the tears in by reminding myself that I get to come back the first weekend of March for my baby shower. But, it's just not the same. We spent the morning at a playdate and all I could think about on the drive home was how much I am going to miss being able to hang out with these ladies and their little guys any time I want to. A 3 1/2 hour drive takes a little more planning. I really need to get this all out of my system so I can start our new life in Virginia Beach with a positive attitude.

And can I just complain for a moment about how annoying it is to try and switch OB's when you're 29 weeks pregnant? Our insurance changed as of Feb 1st and I can no longer see my Dr in NC and have it covered. I was able to fit in one last appointment with her last Friday. Took my 1 hour glucose test and had a regular checkup. Baby is still doing fine and all my stats look good. However, the nurse called me on Monday to inform me that my blood sugar levels were a bit high (probably due to stress) and now I need to take the 3 hour glucose test. The same thing happened when I was pregnant with Dylan, so I'm well aware of how the 3 hour test works. The annoying part is that I need to take it as soon as possible, but I have to find a new Dr first. A new Dr who will accept me this late in my pregnancy AND can fit me in next week. Technically I should be taking the 3 hour test this week, but since I haven't moved yet that's not exactly feasible. After calling 6 different practices today, I finally found one. But man, that was irritating telling my 'interesting' situation to 6 different receptionists. Go figure the nicest one was the last one I called.

Blah. Okay, now that my venting is out...Dylan and I have had fun this week. Tonight we're going to dinner with our playdate friends. Tomorrow we'll play some more. Friday morning we will go to breakfast with some other friends. By lunch time, Mike should be here (I do not do the single mom thing very well). Friday evening, we are ordering pizza and my two good friends are bringing their husbands to help load a truck. Their little guys can keep Dylan busy. What a great way for Mike to ring in his 30s, huh?

I do have some new pictures to post, but that's going to have to wait a week or two.


Angela said...

Enjoy these last few days as a North Carolinian (If that's the right word)! You're so smart to have the hard part (packing) out of the way so you can relax with your friends and create some great memories! You're great at keeping in touch with people and you're not afraid of a road trip, so I'm sure you'll see your friends often!

Angela said...

Happy Birthday to Mike! I guess a Happy Birthday this year will include getting everything loaded up without pulling a muscle! Oh, and seeing his family for the first time in a week. That's a good birthday present too!

Stacy said...

Hang in there. This move will be great for you guys. It's such a blessing. I know it has to be so hard to switch dr's so late into your pregnancy. That can't be fun at all. I can't believe you are at 75 days left! That is nuts. I hope the move goes well for you guys and that you are ok Friday night when you have to leave. I love ya!

By the way Happy Birthday Mike!!

The Arnold Family said...

I'm glad that everything has worked out for you guys! What a stressful time! It seems things don't always happen when we want them to, but they always work out! Hope you enjoy Virginia Beach. We had some friends who really liked it there. Good luck to you guys and hope your transition to the new doctor goes well.