Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful Thoughts

Bet you can't guess what I'm really, truly thankful for! Oh wait, I only talk about them all the time so you probably can guess right on the first try. I love my munchkins. Don't know what I would do without them. Actually, I'd probably be working at some job that I hate. So, I should probably be thanking them for needing me at home.

I'm also thankful for good teachers. Dylan has had some awesome teachers, both at school and at church. I love what they do for my child and for the special interest they take in him. He loves to learn, so I'm thankful they have made it fun.

I love that Mike is finally getting his hand on some of the Brazil projects at work. He has been much more pleasant the past month. And I'm very thankful that he is gainfully employed (it really sucked when he wasn't). I'm also thankful that he is fully supportive of me being a stay at home mom. He understands the importance of what I provide for our children by doing so.

This may seem a bit worldly, but I'm thankful for my car. After years of just driving what we could afford and what suited our needs, I finally get to drive around in something that I am in love with. Seriously, everytime I walk up to my Durango I get all happy inside. Love my car!

I'm thankful for my calling at church. After years of teaching the younger kids in Primary, it has been such a nice change being with the Young Women. I love the other leaders and I love the girls. It is refreshing to attend Thursday night activities and I love the discussions we have during our lessons on Sundays.

I am extremely thankful for all those who have supported me on my new photography journey. I feel like I finally found something that is all mine. I have struggled with not having something all my own since having kids. But, I love what I am doing. It is fun, it helps me tap into my creative side, and gives me a talent to focus on. Plus, I absolutely love hearing someone say that a picture I took of their children, made them cry! Happy clients = Happy Photographer.

I have really been struggling spiritually this year. So, I am very thankful for a Heavenly Father and Savior who keep gently nudging me along. I know what is truth and my beliefs are solid, but that doesn't mean I don't need help sometimes. I always know where to turn.

I also have the best parents in the world. They are such great examples to me. I love them very much.

I hope that you all find the things to be thankful for in your own lives. We are all truly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I'm sitting here this morning just thinking about the wonderful friends I've made throughout my 31 1/2 years. All of a sudden I became overwhelmed with the thought that I am so blessed to have so many amazing and inspiring people in my life. My heart is filled with gratitude for the influence for good they have each had on me.

These women (because lets face it, I'm married and guy friends kind of left the picture long ago), just amaze me with their accomplisments. I have long known that I am what some call a 'starter' but not really a 'finisher'. I have an interest in many things and I enjoy thinking of new goals/ideas. Some of the time, I even start working toward things. But, it is very rare that I finish or see things through to the end. I have struggled with this my entire life and it is something I'm constantly trying to change and overcome. Lately, I have become even more interested in trying to achieve my goals as I've watched my friends reach theirs. One just finished her first 5k (after a trying journey), another friend is getting ready to enter the home stretch in finishing school to be an ultrasound tech (all while being a mom and wife, working, and trying to maintain a home), and another friend who makes being a Mom to 5 boys (with a husband who is away for work a lot) look so easy. I won't say I'm jealous...I don't think that's what I feel. I just feel a sense of awe and also a definite feeling of proudness.

So, as I sit here inspired, I feel a motivation stirring. A motivation to sit down and figure out what my most important goals are (and which ones will fit into my life in this moment, because let's face it, there are some goals that need to wait until a different season in my life).

Thank you, friends. Thank you for being the wonderful people that you are. I am truly blessed to know you.