Friday, November 6, 2009

Trick or Treat 2009

I have to be honest, Halloween is probably my least favorite holiday of the year. It would not hurt my feelings one bit if the nation decided to just forego Halloween from here on out. But, watching Dylan have so much fun Trick or Treating truly put a smile on my face.

We spent the evening with our good friends, the Fox family. We met at their house for pizza and goodies and had a great time eating and socializing. After dinner, we got the kids ready and hit the road a little early. With toddlers, it is nice to get out before all the big kids come out for the night. Of course, we had to take pictures before we got going.

I had a really difficult time getting a costume for Dylan this year. I tried on several different occasions to buy him a costume. The two he had told me he wanted to be were a Bumblebee or a Pumpkin. Each time I tried to buy one of these, he would quite literally take the costume out of the shopping cart, scream 'NO' and throw it across the store. So, I gave up. Luckily I have an awesome Mother in Law who sends Halloween packages each year. This year she included a pair of skeleton pajamas from Gymboree. They were the perfect solution to Dylan's costume predicament! Plus, it ended up being 80 degrees and really humid Halloween night. So, I was glad that Dylan wasn't in some big pouffy costume, sweating to death. David, however, was not so lucky. His costume ended up getting taken off halfway through trick or treating. He sure was a cute Micky Mouse though.

A cute little story about David...we couldn't get Dylan to eat dinner that night, so he was off playing in the toy room while we all ate. When David was finished eating, we asked him if he wanted to go play with Dylan. His response was "Yes, he's my best friend." This answer was totally unprovoked and completely sweet!

David, Little David, and Renee. I love this family so much. They are my adopted family here in North Carolina. I really don't know what I'd do without them around.

Someone did not want to look at the camera. Dylan had a rough start to the evening and was pretty uncooperative for pictures. Luckily, he lightened up once he got his first candies.

It was all about racing to ring the doorbell first. It was so cute watching these two run their fastest to get to the door.

SO happy with the outcome...a pumpkin full of candy. I love his little pumpkin so much. Unfortunately it had to be retired (aka thrown away) this year. Dylan decided to smear melted chocolate all over it and I just could not get it clean.
Now next year, I might get a little more excited about Halloween. With a boy and a girl, you all know I will be all about the matching costumes...think Peter Pan and Tinkerbell or Raggedy Andy and Raggedy Ann! I'm excited just thinking about the possibilities.


Keighly Burt said...

Yepp , suree cute ~
Next years costume will be nicee to seee , (boy and girl)

Angela said...

Lucky duck! I love planning costumes! You'll have so much fun with 1 of each! Halloween is one of my favorites, so I'm glad this was a good year for you. Chalk one up for Halloween!