Thursday, October 29, 2009

What a Week

This week has been full of surprises for me.

First, after swearing up and down I wasn't going to do it, I took Dylan to the pediatrician and he got both the seasonal and H1N1 flu mists. I'm typically against any unnecessary vaccines and up until this year, Dylan has not received a flu shot. But, I got scared. Luckily, he has had no side effects...yet.

Second, we are potty training this week. And shock of all shocks, it is going WAY better than I expected. I guess it helps that my expectations were set extremely low and I fully intended to give up and wait a few more weeks if Dylan wasn't quite ready. But, this kid continues to surprise me. He has only had a handful of accidents in the past three days and they were mostly my fault for not paying attention to him. The other thing that has surprised me is that Pull-Ups are what has worked the best for him. Glad I had actually purchased a pack! I think the independence of them coupled with the security is good for my boy.

Third, I opted to do the nuchal translucency scan with this baby. It's the test they do between 12-14 weeks that screens for down's syndrome. I thought nothing of this when I was pregnant with Dylan, but I'm a lot more cautious and paranoid this time around. Plus, an extra ultrasound...who wouldn't want one of those? Anyway, the ultrasound was scheduled for this afternoon. Luckily Mike was able to get off work early and meet me at the Dr's office. I was supposed to be 14 weeks today and thus was on the tip of the timeline for the scan, so it was automatically iffy whether or not they'd be able to get the proper measurements. When the U/S tech got the baby on the monitor, she immediately knew baby is too big. In fact, baby is measuring over a week bigger. So, my due date has been moved up to April 20th! 15 weeks 2 days sounds so much further along than 14 weeks to me. The tech was awesome and went ahead and took body measurements anyway. I drank a Coke right before my appointment, so the baby was moving all over the place...totally fun to see. I don't think ultrasounds will ever get old. At one point, the tech asked me if we were interested in knowing the gender. My response "Can you tell?! We definitely want to know if you can tell." Said with such enthusiasm I thought she might laugh at me. She froze the screen and there it was, clear as can be...a GIRL! Mike and I have both had pretty strong girl vibes from the beginning, but hearing the tech confirm that...well, it's now 2 am and I'm still smiling about it. I am so excited to go all pink and frills (no purple..I hate purple!). It was totally unexpected (although, totally hoped for) to find out what we're having today. The other bonus...I will get another ultrasound in 2-3 weeks for the 2nd trimester measurements! Heavenly Father must know I need extra reassurance this time around.

So, like I said, it's been an exciting week so far. And Trick or Treat is still two days away! As soon as I can get my scanner or camera to cooperate, I'll post a couple of the ultrasound pictures.


Patty said...

I'm still smiling, too...and still a little teary thinking about you and all you've been through. You've been a trooper. Love you!!

Angela said...

You deserve a great week like this week! So happy for you!

Laura Barrett said...

YEEEAAAHHH! I am so glad to hear the good news with your growing family. Not only with potty-training:) but with the little HEALTHY girl you'll be having. Hope your feeling well!

Mandi Roth said...

So happy for you that it's a girl!! That's so awesome. :) Glad the Potty Training is going well. I love the pink and no purple.

Meaja said...

Wonderful wonderful news Aud! Make sure you call them underwear or undies and not panties! ;) But for your G-I-R-L it's all about panties for princesses! Yeah for good weeks!