Tuesday, October 6, 2009

He Came Back

If I've talked to you on the phone or in person over the past couple weeks, you already know that Dylan disappeared. I'm really not sure what happened to him, but he was nowhere to be found. In his place was this whiney, tantrum throwing, unhappy, sleep deprived, just plain rotten almost 3 year old who looked exactly like Dylan. Crazy, I know. Mike and I were not too happy with the replacement and we were both begging for our happy, cute, funny Dylan to return. As good luck would have it, Dylan returned to us on Saturday. Still disobedient and demanding, but that's a toddler for you.

In the past couple days he has said and done some pretty funny things.

Dylan sneezed, then looked at me and said "I have a Bwess You, Mom."

"Mommy's wee wee falled off outside."

"Mooooooooom...I pooped! It's a big, green one. I have a duck tail!"

At Walmart, so upset because they don't have the little kid carts for him to push around "Mom, I need a sucker to make me happy."

And that's just a sampling...this kid can be so darn funny. I'm so glad he came back. He was deeply missed.


Patty said...

Happy he arrived before coming to Gram's next week!

Keighly Burt said...

LOL so funny!

Laura Barrett said...

Oh my gosh! Your kid is a crack up! I was laughing just reading this post. Welcome back Mr Dylan. Hope you have lots and lots more funny phrases!

Mandi Roth said...

LOL!! when i first read that, it freaked me out! haha, i really thought he was missing! Glad he did come back to you! Enjoy him. Love what he's been saying. TOO Cute!