Monday, December 14, 2009

So Humbled

Dylan has been sick and in toddler mode the past 4 days. I have been on the verge of completely losing my mind; trying my hardest not to give his rear end a nice swat. Luckily Mike did not have to work this weekend and I was able to get away and shop with my Aunt for a few hours one day.

This morning, as I sat here in Mommy time out trying not to scream at Dylan for being annoying, I decided to catch up on my friend's little baby girl. I am not super close with this girl, but she is a super sweet, kind, and beautiful person. In September 2008, her 6 month old baby boy died of SIDS. I did not know her when this happened, but heard the story shortly after we moved into our house in January. I met her in February. In May, I found out that she was pregnant again. In July, I found out that her 20 week ultrasound showed some physical deformities. Her baby was born premature in October and they discovered that her situation was much worse than any ultrasound could have showed. This poor little baby has been a fighter and has already endured surgery. They were hoping to be able to bring her home by Christmas, but her situation has gotten worse. At this point in time, they are hoping for a miracle.

Upon finishing reading more about the baby this morning, I was truly humbled. I do not know why some people have to endure such trials in this life, but it surely made my current frustrations with my toddler seem inconsequential. Every time I think about my friend, my eyes well up with tears and I run to hug my perfect little Dylan. Then I take a moment to just sit and talk to my belly. I have been counting my blessings today. Any time a complaint starts to cross my mind, I remind myself that my life is awesome.


Patty said...

Yes, our lives are awesome. It's our job to help lift those whose lives are not as good as ours. Sometimes the Lord needs to give us gentle reminders.

Destiny Rayburn said...

love you!

Meaja said...

Beautiful post Aud! I think it's when these lil kidlets are glued to our sides 24/7 that we see "everything" good and ugly but in reality......THEY CHOSE US TO BE THEIR MOMS AND that's when it's humbling. Love ya babes!

Mandi Roth said...

Beautiful!! It's always good to be uplifted and realize how good you have it. I feel for your friend, and i hope they can stay strong and be brave.

Stacy said...

You are amazing! I loved this post. Just what I needed right now. Love you!