Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

I'm trying to play catch up a little this week. Things have been a little crazy around our house and I just haven't had as much time for the 'fun' stuff, like updating my blog.

We spent a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Elkington's. Because of the pregnancy, I just was not up for traveling this year. We told our families that we would be more than happy to have them come to us if they wanted to spend the holidays with us. So, the Elkington's made the trip from Delaware for Thanksgiving. My family will be making the trip for Christmas.

Our dinner was yummy, the company was good, we did a little shopping and had a little Christmas/Birthday celebration. I think Dylan especially enjoyed the last part because he loves 'pwesents'.
I just love this picture of Grandma and Dylan. He absolutely adores Grandma K because she will play with him non-stop. It is always a difficult adjustment back to reality once the company leaves and Dylan isn't getting that all day attention.

Grandpa and Grandma K got Dylan this awesome Pottery Barn Kids kitchen for his Birthday/Christmas present. It has already received hours and hours of playtime. Dylan loves helping me cook and bake, so I knew this would be the perfect gift for him. He loves to make pizza and serve it to us.

Grandpa and Aunt Ashley watching Dylan open his gifts.

Uncle Brett looks a little haggard after carrying in the big kitchen boxes.

Dylan is really into games now. Board games, puzzles, etc. You name it, he loves it and wants to play it ALL THE TIME! His favorite game right now is 'Kerplunk'. He calls it the 'plunk game'. I hear about this game at least 10 times each day. Aunt Jamie and Ashley were such good sports to sit and play it Dylan's way for a couple hours.

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