I guess we haven't really been up to anything out of the norm. I suppose that is a good thing for us. Means we've stayed put and are just living day to day life. Although, Dylan keeps saying stuff about 'when we move to our next new house'. And I keep getting the feeling that a change is a comin'. Whatever that means. Never have been able to quite feel settled where we're at. Guess we'll see what the future holds.
My main thought lately has been that my kiddos are getting way too big and way too smart. I try not to think about it too much, but man, it is making sad! Not sad enough to want to throw another one into the mix though! Don't go getting any ideas.
Dylan is doing so so so well in Kindergarten. He loves it! He has made some really great friends, his teacher just adores him, he is learning to read (which is oh so fun to hear him sounding out words and watching him try to spell things according to how they sound), math is definitely his strong subject, and totally important in my mind...he occasionally buys lunch and tells me he picked the salad option! *Gasp* My child who will not touch a veggie with a 10 ft pole chooses to eat salad at school.
Lena will be TWO in 2 months and I just want to die when I think about that. Aside from the fact that she still wakes up multiple times a night, most nights of the week...she continues to be the most awesome toddler. Everyone that sees/meets her is just enamored. I pray for extra Mom powers when she is a teenager (oh and perhaps the money to buy a gun to scare away the boys). I love spending my days with her. She is honestly the 'total package'.

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