Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Aftermath

We had a wonderful time visiting with Mike's family. Our Thanksgiving meal was yummy. Dylan really enjoyed his first turkey dinner. His favorite dish was my Sweet Potato souffle - a recipe I got from my Mom.

Since Dylan's birthday is coming up in a few days, we decided to celebrate with his Elkington grandparents so they could see him enjoy the gifts they gave him. Grandma brought him this cool crown and bib to declare who the Birthday Boy is. Can you tell that he was oh so thrilled?

He never did quite get a grasp on what to do with the paper, but he really liked a couple of his gifts. He received some clothes, pajamas, a Christmas dish set (the spoon was a big hit since he is currently teething again), and a really cool turtle that lights up and plays music.

Michael, Jamie, Ashley, Brett, & their Dad spent much of Friday and Saturday playing Risk. It was everyone's goal to make Dad lose. This is Michael plotting his world domination.

And then there were three. Mike actually did end up winning, so I guess staying up until 1am plotting did him some good.

Dylan finally decided it was okay to chill with Aunts Jamie and Ashley -- an hour before they left to go home. He is still in his 'I don't like strangers' phase. Will someone please tell this child it's okay to play with someone other than Mom and Dad?!

Dylan is a very lucky boy. Grandpa & Grandma Elkington love him so much.


Angela said...

What a fun Thanksgiving and Birthday celebration. I must admit, every year I get praises because of your mom's Sweet Potato Souffle. Happy Birthday to Dylan on the 30th!

Jorj said...

Okay...I want the recipe too!!
What a cutie Dylan is! Happy birthday little guy!!