Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pool Days of Summer

It took us a year, but it is now safe to say that we have friends! Many of you may know that I started taking Dylan to a class at The Little Gym back in June. It's a Mommy and Baby class with about 10 kids enrolled. Six of us mom's were getting along so well, we decided to start our own playgroup outside of Little Gym. This week, our friends Renee and David invited us to a pool play date in their community.

Now, this was not your average community pool. This pool could be called a small waterpark. There is a fenced in area that has fountains shooting up out of the ground, an Olympic sized pool, a 2 ft toddler pool that has a large umbrella over it, a beach entry toddler pool that is 6 inches deep around the perimeter and is 1 ft deep in the middle WITH waterslides for little kids, there is another separate pool area that has a REAL waterslide and a lazy river (w/inner tubes) that loops around the pool. AWESOME!

I bet you thought I was kidding about the real waterslide, but here is my proof.

The beach entry was perfect for Dylan. I really loved this pool because it meant I could just let him run free. He hates being restrained by a flotation device or me holding him. He had a blast.

Riley had so much fun playing with all the toys. She is the only girl in the group, but none of the boys seem to care. They all love her to pieces.

David and Dylan just lounging around.

Dylan LOVED the splash that happened at the end of the waterslide. He cracked up laughing every time we went down.

If you can't tell by the excited look on his face, he wanted to go down the slide over and over. Each time we got off, he climbed back on the slide and tried to climb up.
Thanks Renee and David for a great time! We plan to do it every week until the pool closes in September.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hi, my name is Audra, and I am addicted to Coca Cola and 180 Energy Drinks. I realize that mass amounts of caffeine and sugar are not good for my body. I also have come to accept that these favorite drinks of mine are probably causing my afternoon slump and the ever present, slightly full feeling. I am now on a mission to feel the best that I have ever felt and must abstain from partaking of a couple of my favorite things on a daily basis.
I have tried several times in the past few months to give up these addictive, tasty beverages. A couple times I have succeeded for a couple weeks, only to be sucked back into them when I happen upon a bad day. At that point, the thought of going through the three days of haziness and headaches just doesn't sound appealing or it's just not a good time to quit (I'm traveling, or have a lot going on or Dylan wakes up earlier than normal - basically, any excuse is good enough for me).
I'm hoping that by making this public announcement, I will make more of an effort to jump off the wagon. I do not like to disappoint and I can't stand not meeting my goals. So, please, feel free to check in from time to time and ask about my progress. I will spend the next 3 days weaning myself and after that...I'm finished!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

You're Kidding. Right?

Since becoming a stay at home mom, I have been asked some pretty ridiculous questions and heard some fairly annoying comments. The one that really pushes my buttons, however, is the question that makes it obvious that someone is completely ignorant. You want to know which question I'm talking about?

"So, what do you do all day?"

Okay, honestly? This question makes me want to punch someone in the face. If you have to ask me this question, you apparently have never spent a day with an infant, toddler, preschooler, etc. I can assure you that my days are filled with much more to do than someone sitting behind a desk, fiddling on a computer for 9 hours. I'm in charge of raising another human being! I don't think it can get more complicated/stressful/exciting than that.

The next person who asks me this question is going to get a whole lot more than they bargained for.

(Today's post is brought to you courtesy of the idiot male taking his leisurely afternoon stroll through Target!)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

This Is Supposed to be Rewarding?

Everyone talks about how being a mom is the most rewarding job...blah, blah, blah. I never considered having food thrown at me to be rewarding. Let me tell you a little story and then, if you dare, tell me that being a mom is rewarding.

Yesterday, Dylan wakes up happy as a free monkey. I now realize that he was just setting me up to look like a fool for thinking he was over the terrible twos. Within an hour of breakfast; or immediately following Daddy's departure for work, her turned into Mr Brat. He followed me around the house whining and clawing at my leg. When I tried to give him a snack, he knocked it out of my hand. After the snack episode, he went running upstairs and into his room. I could hear him freaking out about something so I went to see what was causing the drama. He had thrown every toy that he owns into his crib and couldn't get them back out through the slats. Instead of giving him his toys, I pulled out his blankie and pacifier and prayed that he would just be quiet. Needless to say, that didn't happen. He then climbed on top of his dresser (by pulling out the drawers and using them as steps -- this was new to me, I'd never seen him do that) and proceeded to empty his container of wipes. He then climbed down and took the aforementioned wipes and shoved them all into his diaper pail then grew frustrated when he couldn't pull them back out (because I wouldn't let him).

Skip to about an hour later...I had a couple errands to run and I wanted to get them done before naptime. So, I got him all dressed and ready then let him go downstairs to watch Backyardigans while I got myself ready. I went downstairs 5 minutes later to find that he had taken off all his clothes and was tugging at his diaper (the kid loves being naked, but every time I let him run around like that for even a minute, he inevitably pees on the carpet). I got him dressed again - he pitched a fit the entire time. Load him up in the car; still throwing a tantrum (screaming, throwing his shoes at me, etc)...all the way to my destination...all the way through my short trip inside (literally 5 minutes max, oh and he is shoeless)...all the way home -- no way was I going anywhere else after that fiasco. Once inside I mix up a juice cup and practically throw him in his crib. He sleeps for 2 1/2 hours. Ahhhhhhhh...Heaven!

He wakes up just in time for lunch and I think, now that he is all refreshed we should be good friends the rest of the day. How naive of me. He woke up screaming and it continued through his diaper change, down the stairs, and into the high chair. I was smart enough to make his lunch before getting him out of his bed, so I immediately placed his plate in front of him. On a typical day, he will quit crying and just eat his food. This day, however, Dylan had other plans. He picked up that plate of peanut butter & jelly AND applesauce, looked me right in the eyes and threw that plate AT me. Now we're talking WAR! I'll spare you the sordid details...let's just say that he ate lunch, so I felt victorious.

I still had those other errands to run, but I was dreading the ordeal. I decided to take him to the playground to run off some steam. Now normally, this kid is all about the playground...we stay for hours. Oh no, not this day. He ran over to the jungle gym like normal, but then he just stood there and screamed and whined. After about 15 minutes of trying to coax him to have fun, I grabbed his hand and started walking toward the car. This particular playground has a little sand box. As we were walking past it (usually I steer clear), Dylan decided to take a short cut through it. When I said "No, let's go to the car," he sat down, threw sand over his head and whined some more! I get to have sand everywhere in my car and listen to him whine.

Anyway, let's just say that the grocery store was more of the same (anything I put in the cart, he used his Go-Go Gadget arms to reach in the back and throw it onto the floor), as was the drive home. Around 5pm, he decided that he was done and wanted to be my friend again...hmmm, right before Dad comes home from work. I think he just wants Mike to believe that I'm a liar.

So, I ask you again...Is this rewarding?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Refresh my memory please!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 50th Birthday!

Dylan and I just spent the week in Charleston, with my family. All the siblings and a couple cousins were in town to help my mom celebrate her 50th Birthday. We spent a couple afternoons at the pool, went to the beach at Isle of Palms a couple times, and explored downtown Charleston. I know this is a little picture overload, but the beach pictures were so much fun for me to look at...I just couldn't resist posting them.

Aaron isn't one for the water, so he spent the day just chilling and taking in all the action.

I just had to take a cute picture with my little man.

One morning, while the guys were golfing, the girls all went downtown. We walked through the market, ate lunch at the Wild Wing Cafe, and then took a horse and carriage ride through Charleston. That city is rich with history and has some of the most gorgeous homes you will ever see. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), Dylan fell asleep on me at the beginning of the ride, so I couldn't take any pictures.

Karl and Jenn are such a cute couple! It was a lot of fun spending some more time getting to know her.

Karrstyn had a lot of fun playing with Dylan at the pool.

The Birthday Girl!

Dad was trying to make sure he got in on the picture action.
Me and my cute sister Kathleen. Can't wait to meet my nephew in October.

Dylan trying to figure out the sand between his fingers.

The kid was so tuckered out after our morning at the beach. He fell asleep as soon as we were in the car.

After our beach visit on the 3rd (Mom's actual birthday), we went out to eat at Olive Garden. While there, my mom opened her gifts. The lucky woman got a new diamond ring from her husband!

We had a wonderful time visiting my family. I only wish that Mike could have been there to have fun with us. Dylan absolutely loved the beach -- the sand, the water, the sun. He is definitely a beach bum...I guess that means I chose the right decor for his bedroom - surfer style!