Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hi, my name is Audra, and I am addicted to Coca Cola and 180 Energy Drinks. I realize that mass amounts of caffeine and sugar are not good for my body. I also have come to accept that these favorite drinks of mine are probably causing my afternoon slump and the ever present, slightly full feeling. I am now on a mission to feel the best that I have ever felt and must abstain from partaking of a couple of my favorite things on a daily basis.
I have tried several times in the past few months to give up these addictive, tasty beverages. A couple times I have succeeded for a couple weeks, only to be sucked back into them when I happen upon a bad day. At that point, the thought of going through the three days of haziness and headaches just doesn't sound appealing or it's just not a good time to quit (I'm traveling, or have a lot going on or Dylan wakes up earlier than normal - basically, any excuse is good enough for me).
I'm hoping that by making this public announcement, I will make more of an effort to jump off the wagon. I do not like to disappoint and I can't stand not meeting my goals. So, please, feel free to check in from time to time and ask about my progress. I will spend the next 3 days weaning myself and after that...I'm finished!


Patty said...

Good for you, honey! I'll support you a 100%...

Angela said...

So, how was day one? Maybe you're in too much of a haze to answer... I remember you like 180, but I didn't know the extent of your addictions!

Alena said...

Thanks for the note. We are having such a great time. Speaking of Utah, we so want to get out there sometime.


Would't You Like to Know said...

How's it going? I can't kick coke either. I figure if I am healthy at all other times I deserve a treat. Good luck!!