Monday, October 13, 2008

Rest & Relaxation

Because Dylan is STILL sick, (Yes, that's right, he has been sick for over a month now), I decided to take him to my parent's house last week. I was in serious need of a break from wiping snot off his upper lip every five minutes. In spite of him not feeling well, we ended up having a wonderful time. (I stole these pictures off my mom's blog)

Grandpa and Dylan catching raindrops.

Dylan loves the water, no matter where it's coming from.

Gramma and Dylan playing a round of soccer ball.

Thanks to my parents, I was able to get some much needed R&R. One day, I ran away to the mall for a few hours and then got my hair done. It was awesome!

We arrived home on Saturday and Dylan's nose was still running. By Sunday afternoon, he had developed a croup-y cough. So, first thing this morning I called the pediatrician for the fourth time in a month. I took him in this afternoon and it turns out that all the mucous has now caused him to have an ear infection. Blah for the infection, but yippee for stronger meds! Hopefully this means he will be on the mend shortly.


Patty said...

We absolutely loved being able to give you some much needed R&R and loved being able to see our little guy!!

momtoabean said...

Great pictures! I'm glad I'm not the only girl who's kid plays outside in just a diaper :) So cute :)

Stacy said...

Yeah for parents who can help! I'm glad you got some R&R. I wish we lived closer. I would wipe his nose for you (as long as you could handle throw up for me...that's what I can't handle).

Oh, and I think you are asking if the pics in the hunting post of mine is our neighborhood...if so, yes. The truck is parked infront of our house. There is a post from August called 'the rental house' that shows the front of our home. It's a nice neighborhood, I just wish we could find something permanent!

I hope Dylan gets better soon!

Melinda said...

That looks like such a great time. Aaron loves the song you have on here. He is crying because he wants to hear it "again". I guess I need to figure out how to put one on mine.