Monday, February 2, 2009

Because I've been asked...

...Here are my Dylan updates.

Speech Therapy: A social worker and speech therapist from the county came to our house for an evaluation last Wednesday. We were really only worried about his speech, but they do a comprehensive evaluation anyway. Dylan tested within the normal range in every area except expressive language (mostly his articulation and sentence structure). They decided that his delay is significant enough (meaning it is affecting his daily life and he is forming bad habits early on) for us to pursue speech therapy for him. We will be working with a coordinator from Wake County to set up a plan/goals for Dylan and a therapist will be coming to our house once a week to work with him.

Surgery: Dylan's constantly runny nose (for the past year) encouraged me to seek out a specialist's opinion. The social worker also recommended we take him to an ENT because all the head/nasal congestion could be affecting his speech. So, I took him to the ENT this morning and the Dr took one look in his mouth and said that his adenoids need to come out. Apparently they are about triple the size they should be. We have his surgery scheduled for next Thursday morning. I had my adenoids and tonsils removed when I was 7 years old, so I know it's a fairly simple surgery. But still...this is my baby and I'm a tad nervous.

Hopefully by doing these two things, we will be able to get Dylan caught up to his peers in a short amount of time. He is a smart kid, but he's having trouble getting stuff out and it has created a lot of frustration in our house. Especially between Dylan and I because it sometimes takes me a couple weeks to figure out what word he is trying to say.


Destiny Rayburn said...

That's tough Aud, I'm so sorry. I'll pray for you.

Jorj said...

My friends son had the same issues with speech.They took out his adenoids and it helped a lot!

Best of luck to you! We will keep Mr D in our prayers!!

Meaja said...

So you're playing "Mad Gab" with him everyday? hehe Can you imagine what I heard when I was little...pure gibberish from perfectly formed words. :)