Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Completing the Story

I figure it is time to give a couple updates.

Mike and I had an awesome adult's only weekend. We took every opportunity to sleep in as late as we wanted, eat out, go running outside together, shop without a diaper bag, watch movies and basically just enjoy spending some alone time together. It was great.

Dylan's surgery went very well. If I hadn't been there to see the nurses take him away and then see him coming out of the anesthesia, I would not believe that he actually had surgery. Within an hour of being home, the child was right back to his happy, crazy self. The first three days post-op were a little rough. He wasn't in any pain, but he couldn't breathe because of all the congestion. He also had this thick, yellow gunk constantly flowing from his nose. It was disgusting! Luckily, he woke up with no gunk yesterday and I have not wiped his nose in two days! First time in months that I haven't had to use a tissue to wipe snot off the child's face. Hooray!

Here's a pic of my little man catching up on his Little Einsteins after surgery.


Jorj said...

Hooray! Glad he's recovering so well!

Would't You Like to Know said...

Glad everything went so well and it worked!!

Keighly Burt said...

i am happy everything went well. thanks for the text to let me know it did. tell him i love him and miss him see u in bout 5 months