Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Run Around

A few things have been keeping me on my toes and my mind engaged. I think I mentioned that for my 'big' Christmas present, my parents bought me a new camera. I have always wanted to take up photography as a hobby. Now, I finally have the time and the means and the desire to learn. With Christmas a couple months behind us, I decided it was time for me to finally learn how to use this new, technical camera. I searched all the county websites looking for a class that would suit my needs. I came up empty handed. As much as I really don't like asking other people for help, I bit the bullet and called up - or rather, Facebooked - my good friend Gina. She was more than willing to help me get started and teach me what she knows. Dylan and I went to her house yesterday for my first lesson. I learned the basics of shutter speed, depth of field, aperture and ISO. So much to take in all at once, but I think my brain welcomed the opportunity to pour some new information into it. It has been a l-o-n-g time since I've had to concentrate on something like this.

I realize that I have a long road ahead of me, but I am so excited to be doing something for myself. It helps that I absolutely adore Gina and this will give us an excuse to go hang out more often. Can't wait for the weather to warm up!

I decided to read up on some notes and then mess around while my child is napping today. Pre-nap I felt like baking some cookies to waste time. So, they became my first subject. Did I make you all drool?

Next up, Dylan's shoes. This child has really been keeping me on my toes the past month or so. I believe that he has enough energy to fuel about 10 people. I really wish that he would share some of it with me. We have been having some sleep issues with him. Mainly, he just won't sleep...not at night and not during the day. The worst part, or maybe the best part - depends on who you ask - is that he is still a pretty happy kid. You would think that I'd be okay with this, but honestly? I do not have the same stamina I did in college. I NEED 8-9 hours of sleep each night and I am most definitely not getting that these past few weeks. I used to compensate by taking a nap when Dylan did, but he has pretty much cut those out of his routine, which means no sleep for me. So, if I'm not responding to emails or phone calls, it's because I'm really trying not to pass my bad mood around.

Anyway, these shoes take Dylan where ever his little heart desires. At least I'm getting my money's worth...right?


Patty said...

Great job on the pics...and the writing! You always know where you can bring Dylan when you need a break!

Melanie said...

I would love to get into photography!! You did great on the pictures. I look forward to seeing more!

Mandi Roth said...

I'm so glad your learning, It's a great thing to have. :) great job so far. Those cookies do look yummy!

Would't You Like to Know said...

I'm excited to see many great pictures by you. Enjoy the new brain food. And yes I was drooling all over the computer. :-P

Gina said...

Hey Audra...oooohhhh those cookies look delish!! It was fun talking shop the other day!! Hey this weekend is supposed to get into the 70s...we need to get out and shoot!!

Melinda said...

You are doing a great job. Gina is a great teacher. I love the shoes one. It shows great dof and the lighting is perfect. You must have upped the ISO on that one. Does she already have you shooting manual?