Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nothing Sweeter

Most days, Dylan does not get to see Mike for more than 30 minutes or so. We all try to hang out while Mike is getting ready for work in the mornings, but I wouldn't really consider that quality time. There are a lot of days that Mike gets home from work just as it's time for Dylan to go to bed or after he is already asleep. So, on the days when Mike is home early enough to see Dylan, he makes sure that they get some Daddy/son bonding time.

One of their favorite things is to play 'Gotcha!' This is simply Dylan's version of 'Hide and Seek.' Since Dylan doesn't quite grasp the concept of trading off the hiding, Mike always hides and when Dylan finds him they both yell 'Gotcha!' Dylan then laughs hysterically and Mike runs off to hide again.

The other thing they like to do is wrestle. Under normal circumstances, I would probably be a little miffed that Dylan gets so worked up right before bedtime. But, it's hard to get upset when I hear the pure joy and contentment in my son's laugh. He truly loves his quality time with Daddy. These opportunities are so important, so I'm glad that Mike takes advantage of them. Watching the two of them play and laugh, I am often overcome with love for my little family. There is nothing quite as sweet.


Patty said...

We absolutely LOVE your little family and are happy to see our daughter happy and content!!

Laura Barrett said...

What a sweet post. I know it's very difficult to try to have a normal family life when our husbands have crazy work schedules. I know that Dylan will remember the fun and crazy times he has to wrestle with his daddy when he gets older, they'll(the memories) always outweigh the times that your husband can't be there. PS your photography is looking awesome!!

Stacy said...

I love the pic of Mike and Dylan! How sweet. It's hard when dad's are not home much. Kelly is the same way. He travels 1 to 4 nights a week, and the days he is home, is busy with work and sports. He hardly sees the little kids, so it's nice when he gets a little time.

Melinda said...

It must be a guy/boy thing because my husband and son do the exact same thing. In fact Aaron asks to "wrestle" now. It is so cute to watch.

Angela said...

Very sweet, indeed! Few things are better than watching your guys bond and hearing those precious laughs of pure joy! Great pics!!!!

Mandi Roth said...

How sweet that they have alone time and can play!! Makes me want to have one of my own.. someday!!!