Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Friends

I have to admit, this has been the best move in terms of feeling welcomed. The ladies from church immediately helped to include me and Dylan in their group. We go to a weekly play group, have been invited to family dinner, a couple play dates and a few ladies have been generous enough to offer babysitting so I can go to my Dr appointments without a 3 year old in tow.

My new friend, Julie, insisted on throwing me a baby shower. I will admit, I felt very awkward at first and even tried to decline (graciously, of course). But, she wasn't taking no for an answer. So, last night was my Virginia Beach baby shower. It was a lot of fun...chocolate fondue with fruits, cookies, and pound cake, good conversation and more gifts for Lena. I really lucked out.

Thanks for a fun evening, Ladies! Very much appreciated.


Angela said...

What an awesome ward!!! As someone who also moves on a regular basis, I can say I've never seen such a welcoming, friendly, generous, supportive ward. Lucky girl!

Mandi Roth said...

Lucky girl!! Glad you moved into an awesome ward. That is so nice. Enjoy the friendships. Cute name by the way!!