I love to play miniature golf, but we have failed to find any place near us to do so. I told Mike I didn't care what else we did, but we had to play mini golf! I was ahead of Mike until the 17th hole and then he ended up beating me by one stroke. Blah!
This is the view from our resort window. So gorgeous! I loved opening the sliding door and listening to the waves and smelling the ocean air.
We definitely took advantage of the gorgeous pools. I don't think Mike has been in the water for several years, which is odd considering we used to go swimming a lot while we were dating.
Our room also overlooked the pool area. Doesn't this look like fun?
I really wanted to get a picture of both of us, but I'm too chicken to ask a stranger to take one. So, for now a shot of each of us will have to do.
We had a wonderful get away. A big Thank You to Gramma Daniel for coming up to watch Dylan so that we could spend some time alone.