Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Little Gym

Today was the last day of summer semester for Dylan's Little Gym class. Some people have been begging me to take pictures of him during class...I finally remembered to take my camera today.

This class has done wonders for Dylan. While he is still a very anxious child, he has progressed leaps and bounds physically and socially because of this class. I was so impressed with the things he has learned, I signed him up for the Fall, too. It has been a great investment for us.

Dylan loves to show how brave and stable he is by constantly walking across the balance beam. I about had a heart attack the first time I turned around to see him walking on it by himself. He has yet to fall off it.

I love this class because it encourages bonding time between Mom and child. Dylan laughs and smiles the entire hour. Let's just say that Thursday's are usually good days.

Dylan also loves to climb over and under the parallel bars.

Dylan usually spends about half the class crawling inside the tunnel.

Class time always ends with bubbles. All the kids love to chase the bubbles around. Dylan got a little upset with me because I was laughing at all the bubbles stuck in his hair.


Stacy said...

Dylan is so, so cute!! This seems really fun for the kids and moms. I wish I could find something like this here. You are such a good mommy!

Keighly Burt said...

dylan looks like he has a good time at little jym!!!i lkove him to death.....he is a cutie

Would't You Like to Know said...

I think I am going to follow suit and get Payton in a class. It looks like so much fun!

You both look amazing!