Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

We had a great Mother's Day weekend. Mike's parents came to town for a couple days and we had a wonderful and relaxing visit with them.

I love being a Mom more than anything in the world. Dylan tries my patience at times (especially when he won't sleep), but this little guy is the light of my life. I love getting to spend every day with him, watching him learn and grow. I hope and pray that he is picking up the good things I do and that the not so good are passing right by him. Hmmm, from the above picture it would appear that he has my lack of patience. Oh well, a girl can dream.

He really did not want his picture taken, so I had to get them when he wasn't looking.

Michael and his Mom. Neither of them like having their picture taken, but they were both surprisingly good sports about this one.

Dylan has really come out of his separation anxiety the past few months. It was so much fun to see him finally having a good time with Grandpa and Grandma K. Grandma K played with him non-stop the entire time they were here. I think Dylan is going through some withdrawals because Mommy is not quite so attentive.


Patty said...

Looks like a fun weekend! The flowers still look good too!!

Mandi Roth said...

Cute picture of you and Dylan. SOunds like a wonderful weekend and lots of fun! Happy Mother's day!!

Angela said...

So fun that Grandpas and Grandmas can come visit! My kids always go through "Grandma withdrawal", too!