Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful Thoughts

Bet you can't guess what I'm really, truly thankful for! Oh wait, I only talk about them all the time so you probably can guess right on the first try. I love my munchkins. Don't know what I would do without them. Actually, I'd probably be working at some job that I hate. So, I should probably be thanking them for needing me at home.

I'm also thankful for good teachers. Dylan has had some awesome teachers, both at school and at church. I love what they do for my child and for the special interest they take in him. He loves to learn, so I'm thankful they have made it fun.

I love that Mike is finally getting his hand on some of the Brazil projects at work. He has been much more pleasant the past month. And I'm very thankful that he is gainfully employed (it really sucked when he wasn't). I'm also thankful that he is fully supportive of me being a stay at home mom. He understands the importance of what I provide for our children by doing so.

This may seem a bit worldly, but I'm thankful for my car. After years of just driving what we could afford and what suited our needs, I finally get to drive around in something that I am in love with. Seriously, everytime I walk up to my Durango I get all happy inside. Love my car!

I'm thankful for my calling at church. After years of teaching the younger kids in Primary, it has been such a nice change being with the Young Women. I love the other leaders and I love the girls. It is refreshing to attend Thursday night activities and I love the discussions we have during our lessons on Sundays.

I am extremely thankful for all those who have supported me on my new photography journey. I feel like I finally found something that is all mine. I have struggled with not having something all my own since having kids. But, I love what I am doing. It is fun, it helps me tap into my creative side, and gives me a talent to focus on. Plus, I absolutely love hearing someone say that a picture I took of their children, made them cry! Happy clients = Happy Photographer.

I have really been struggling spiritually this year. So, I am very thankful for a Heavenly Father and Savior who keep gently nudging me along. I know what is truth and my beliefs are solid, but that doesn't mean I don't need help sometimes. I always know where to turn.

I also have the best parents in the world. They are such great examples to me. I love them very much.

I hope that you all find the things to be thankful for in your own lives. We are all truly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I'm sitting here this morning just thinking about the wonderful friends I've made throughout my 31 1/2 years. All of a sudden I became overwhelmed with the thought that I am so blessed to have so many amazing and inspiring people in my life. My heart is filled with gratitude for the influence for good they have each had on me.

These women (because lets face it, I'm married and guy friends kind of left the picture long ago), just amaze me with their accomplisments. I have long known that I am what some call a 'starter' but not really a 'finisher'. I have an interest in many things and I enjoy thinking of new goals/ideas. Some of the time, I even start working toward things. But, it is very rare that I finish or see things through to the end. I have struggled with this my entire life and it is something I'm constantly trying to change and overcome. Lately, I have become even more interested in trying to achieve my goals as I've watched my friends reach theirs. One just finished her first 5k (after a trying journey), another friend is getting ready to enter the home stretch in finishing school to be an ultrasound tech (all while being a mom and wife, working, and trying to maintain a home), and another friend who makes being a Mom to 5 boys (with a husband who is away for work a lot) look so easy. I won't say I'm jealous...I don't think that's what I feel. I just feel a sense of awe and also a definite feeling of proudness.

So, as I sit here inspired, I feel a motivation stirring. A motivation to sit down and figure out what my most important goals are (and which ones will fit into my life in this moment, because let's face it, there are some goals that need to wait until a different season in my life).

Thank you, friends. Thank you for being the wonderful people that you are. I am truly blessed to know you.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Words Escape Me

I have been trying for days to sit down and write a post to Lena for her 18 month update. But, as my title says, the words are not coming. I'm getting all teary eyed right this second. This little girl has made my life a million times better. And I had a pretty good life before she came along. She continues to be the sweetest little girl. She is full of sass and spunk. She finds everything entertaining and giggles all the time. She has brought so much joy to our home and family.

I am constantly amazed at how much she is learning and can understand. And even better, I can understand her! She is talking all the time and learns at least 5 new words each day. She is still a Mommy's girl and you will never hear me complain about it. Occasionally, at 2am, I might get a little annoyed, but the moment she nuzzles her head on my shoulder the agitation goes away and I melt.

Can someone please put in a special request on my behalf? Ask God to please slow down time for a bit. I keep asking, but it just seems to be going by even faster.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Field Trip!

I am loving having a child in Elementary School. It is so much fun helping out in the classroom and seeing how much my child is thriving in the school setting. This week, I volunteered to chaperone the Kindergarten field trip to Westview Orchards & Farm. The weather couldn't have been more perfect and this place was awesome.
Dylan loves Ms Slusher. As we took the tractor ride out to the apple orchard, he chatted away with her. It was very apparent to me that she genuinely loves the kids in her class. I love knowing that Dylan is in good hands all day.

I was assigned to look after four 5 (and almost 5) year old boys. Woah! Let's just say I'm so greatful to not be a mom of multiples. Craziness! The boys all loved picking their own apples. I think for every apple they picked and placed in their bags, they ate just as many. No wonder Dylan had a tummy ache at the end of the day.

Westview had the coolest set-up of any of the orchards around here. There is a 3 acre playground with a variety of cool, different sets. There is also a petting farm, a huge hay mountain, the cider mill, tractor rides, a pumpkin patch, and on occasion a bounce house (which thank goodness was not out the day we went). Dylan and his buddy, Drew, loved racing the little tractor bikes. I think they rode these for at least 45 minutes.

We ate lunch at the orchard, drank cider and everyone got a donut. If you've never had a cider mill donut in Michigan, put it on your bucket list. These suckers are to die for! I already told Mike that we need to have several family outings to the cider mills in the next month. Before getting on the bus to go back to school, we took class pictures. I love being able to see the faces of the kids Dylan comes home talking about. And more than anything, I love being able to spend this quality time with him. This was definitely a memory making day.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Where oh where did the past month go? Time flies when you're busy...and we have been very very busy. I have a newfound respect for Mom's of more than 2 children. I can barely keep my family organized! Two children in different activities, volunteering at Dylan's school, serving in the Young Women's organization, photography, and trying to spend time as a family...among other things. Craziness.

Lena and I started a Mom & Tot gymnastics class a few weeks ago. I can't decide yet if she actually likes it. We'll give it a month or two and then determine if we'll keep attending. I almost think the place is too big and it overwhelms her a bit. I may try and find a smaller gym that is better suited to small children. But, it's good to socialize her and get her working on her motor skills. Plus, it gives me quality time with my angel.

We spent Labor Day with some friends. Dylan just loves Abby. They don't get to see each other as much now that Dylan is at school all day. But, when they do get together, they always have a great time. Hanging on the boat is no exception.

I'm getting more and more busy with my Photography. I have several sessions booked in the next couple of months. I try to only do shoots when Mike can be home to watch the kids, but sometimes that doesn't work out. My recent session was with my friend's 6 month old son. She also has an almost 4 year old who Dylan likes to play with. So, we let them run around the playground while I took pictures of the baby. When we were finished with the pictures, I found Dylan looking like a deep sea monster. I'm just happy I had a sheet to drape over the seats in my new car! The kid sure does know how to keep himself entertained.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Big week in the Elkington house. Happy week, sad week, exciting week, nervous week...basically and every emotion under the sun week. Dylan started Kindergarten!

I have been a little weepy about every milestone in Dylan's life. This one is taking first place for 'tug at the heartstrings.' I can finally empathize with all my friends who have gone before and prepare those who will experience this next year.

I have to pat myself on the back though because I didn't cry more than a couple seconds, Dylan didn't see it, and it wasn't after I dropped him off at school. I made sure to say a little prayer this morning before we left and THAT is when I started crying a bit. Talk about emotion overload.

All ready for his first day of school! This boy was crazy excited this morning.

Me being the control freak that I am, really wanted to get Dylan a nice, 'cool' lunchbox from PBK (that's right, I'm a sucker for their awesome kid stuff). Dylan had other plans. As soon as he saw this Transformers one at Target, he had to have it. There was no changing his mind. So, I gave in. Fully knowing that by next year, he will be over Transformers and I'll have to buy him a new lunchbox. Kids only start school once, I'll suck it up and let him have his moment.

Seriously...this kid was wired. Made me glad that he was going to have all day to get the wiggles and sillies out...with someone else.

Dylan's locker!

How could I cry when this was the face I was leaving at school?

Dylan really wanted to ride the bus. I really wasn't ready for my little boy to ride with the big kids. We compromised. I will drive him to school and he will ride the bus home. Seems fair, right? I probably will get annoyed taking him every day in a few weeks, or at least by the time it starts snowing.

Dylan sat way too far back. The Kindergartners are supposed to sit in the first three rows. I was a little worried when all the other kids got off at our bus stop and I still hadn't seen my son. hahaha. Bus driver reminded him and I will do so again tomorrow.

Dylan's thoughts on his first day of school? "Lunch was too quick, Mom." I keep asking him questions, but he just seems annoyed and keeps telling me "I don't remember." Such a male thing!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

15 Months already?!

Why did no one warn me that time goes by even faster with the second child? My kids are growing up way too quickly. I just cannot believe that Lena is already 15 months old. She had her check-up yesterday and Dr said she is doing great. Lena finally hit 20lbs...20lbs 2 oz to be exact, which puts her in the 5-10%. She is 29 inches long (up half an inch from her 1 yr check, and in the 5-10%). Her head % decreased from 100% to 96%. Good for her, pretty sure girls with abnormally big heads look funny. Conclusion...Lena is still a petite peanut. And we love her for it.

This girl continues to warm my days...and nights. Oh yeah, at 15 months she still hasn't quite caught on to how awesome it is to sleep at night. She is lucky she's so cute. Lena smiles and laughs all.the.time. I have honestly never seen a happier toddler. Ugh, did I really just call her a toddler?! She is super snuggly and will randomly walk over to me (or Mike) to give a hug and kiss. She loves to climb up on my lap and just hang out or bring a book with her to read. She loves to give her baby dolls hugs and kisses, too. And she kisses every baby she sees in a book. Seriously...super kisser on our hands...this could be trouble when she hits her teen years.

The Dr was uber-impressed with Lena's language skills. Our guess-timate is that she has about 30 discernible words. Some that I can think of are: dog, puppy, yummy, milk, Mama, Daddy, Dylan, ball, bubbles, No, Yeah, eat, blanky, binky, Hi, bye bye, baby, and dance. And she just babbles all day long. So much different from her brother at this age...he just whined all the time.

Lena started walking about a month ago and hasn't looked back. She is starting to try to run occasionally and it is hilarious to watch those little teeny legs make the attempt. She normally falls flat on her face, but she gets right back up and tries again. Guess that means she's a persistent little girl.

She loves to watch TV. I have to be careful to re-direct her throughout the day because Dylan likes to have the TV on for background noise. If I would let her, Lena would happily sit and stare at it all day. Doesn't even matter what is on. Although, she is quite fond of Elmo. Funny story about Elmo, I was walking through Target with Lena the other day. We walked past a display of Sesame Street t-shirts and Lena pulled an Elmo one off the rack as we passed by. I let her hold it for a minute and then hung it back up and started to walk away. As I started pushing the cart, she started sobbing and screaming 'No, no...Mo (Elmo). No, no...Mo.' I thought to myself, 'Surely she is not crying over that shirt.' But, I backed up and handed the shirt back to her. She immediately quit crying, hugged the shirt of Elmo and said 'Awww, Baby.' Needless to say, there is now an Elmo shirt hanging in her closet.

A few more of Lena's favorite things: her blanky (stupid Pottery Barn and their insanely soft blankets), dancing, Mommy, Dylan, Daddy, pots and pans, books, cars, being outside, bracelets, and milk.

Oh sweet girl...I love you and still thank Heavenly Father every single day that you came to our family.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I've been having quite a few 'Aha!' moments the past couple weeks. Some good, some I haven't been so fond of. Such is life, right?

One thought I had the other day...I'm bored with life as is, I'm ready to move again. As soon as I had the thought, I scolded myself. Why on Earth would I think that?! Mike and I are going on 7 years of marriage and we have lived in as many houses, in 5 different states. Why, oh why, would I say I'm ready to move again?! Apparently all the moving we have done, has caused me to not be able to sit still and just enjoy life as is. So, in an attempt to spice things up without creating chaos, I'm trying to get more involved with some hobbies and activities.

I have been contemplating getting more involved with Photography for quite a while now. I lack self confidence when it comes to my artistic abilities. I don't feel that I was really blessed with talent in this area...I'm okay with that, I just realize my main talents lie elsewhere. That being said, it doesn't mean I can't learn and become good at something artsy. I have had many many people tell me I take good candid pictures and I do enjoy documenting life this way. So, here I go. Until the past few weeks, I only practiced with my kids and personal things. But, I have recently asked a few friends if I could practice using their little models. Although I still have a huge learning curve ahead of me, I feel like I'm progressing nicely and am actually proud of what I've done thus far.

Okay, just threw this one in because she just cracks me up. Love this girl to pieces.

Olivia is one of Dylan's friends from Primary at church. She is so super cute and has lots of personality, so I figured she'd be plenty of fun to shoot. This was my first shoot in the evening and I must say, while it is different to shoot with evening sun...I loved it! The color and contrast in the pictures was so vibrant! I must practice more at this hour.

Little Ava is another friend of Dylan's and her Mommy is one of my friends. They were my first practice session and they were so cooperative! We ended up with a perfect, cloudy day. Lighting was awesome and I really didn't have to do much editing. For the first time, I was able to actually say I was proud of something I'd created!

I've got a few other projects I'm working up the motivation to work on in the next little bit. Hopefully they turn out...that will help me keep up motivation to keep trying new things so I can find stuff to keep me entertained. I don't like when I have those 'bored' thoughts...usually something huge happens to us shortly after such thoughts.

I may have just jinxed myself.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One Boy, One Girl

And I'm pretty good with what I've got. Perhaps one day (a few years from now), I will eat my word and say I'm ready for one more, but I don't think I will. These two keep me on my toes and are intent and making sure I stay slightly insane.

Lena is now 14 months old. She is still a happy girl, but is developing quite the sassy and mischievous personality. I can already tell that the teenage years will be loads of fun with this one. One look at her and you just know she is Trouble in the making.

She took her first unassisted steps a couple weeks ago. She's up to about 5 steps in a row before she plops on her bottom. She's pretty steady and I really think she could be walking all the time, but she also seems to be a little lazy and wants to take the quickest route. Can't say I blame her, I'm all about shortcuts. At any rate, I'm sure she'll be fully walking, or rather running, before July is over with. I'm in no hurry to force the issue.

Miss Sassy Pants is also mastering 'No'. She can say it a few different ways, as well as shake her head while doing something she knows she shouldn't be. She can also Moo when asked what a cow says. She says baby, miiii (milk), caca (yucky), Dada, Mama, Dede (Dylan), Gaa (dog), Dadadadada (dance) and Mmmmm (yum). She loves to do whatever big brother is doing, including wrestling. She loves to dance, play with cars while making a vrooom sound, kiss and snuggle her baby doll and Elmo, and absolutely loves to read books (yay!!!).

She is still itty bitty. I am considering this a good thing since I still have to carry her everywhere. Plus, it just makes her even cuter. Even with the attitude and crappy sleep habits, Lena is still such a fun little girl. We love her so much and are so glad she is part of our family.

This kid...well, he is a boy. Loud, rough, energetic, talkative, questioning everything, defiant, funny, sweet...it all describes Dylan.

He will be starting Kindergarten this August. Yes, he will still be 4. He makes the cut-off by one day in our school district. I think he may have a week or so where the adjustment will be hard, but ultimately think he is more than ready for this step. And he will excel.

Dylan has been playing soccer for the first time and has made vast improvement. He wouldn't step foot on the field during the first two games and now that he only has one game left, he runs all over the field, plays goalie and even kicks the ball every once in a blue moon. I'm proud of him for sticking it out and trying. He says he wants to keep playing, so guess we'll be back at this in the Fall.

Spring was not very kind in Michigan...we pretty much had monsoon weather for two months. But, now that June is half over, things are looking good. Dylan loves to be outside and seems to be much more pleasant when he's allowed to be out in the sun. He has made a little friend who lives across the street. It's so fun watching him become a little kid. It always makes me giggle to hear him conversing with other kids his age because they have real conversations!

Anyway, that's the scoop. The kids are just busy being kids, which keeps me busy being a Mom.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

School's Out!

Well, not really because I signed Dylan up for summer school. But, the official year of preschool ended the last week of May. Dylan had a great time learning at Divine Grace this year. He made several new friends and learned how to make some cool things.

The last day was held in the school's gym because it was pouring rain outside. There was face painting, a bounce house, hula hoops and other fun things to do. All the Mom's attended the last hour for a picnic lunch.

This is Dylan's friend Gavin. They became pretty good buddies this year and even took swim lessons together.

I think Dylan has a crush on Lily. He always tells me how cute she is. I'm glad he likes her because we will (hopefully) be having playdates this summer.

Getting ready for the picnic!

This is Dylan's other good buddy, Caiden. I became friends with his Mom throughout the year, so I'm pretty certain these two will be seeing each other every so often. Because Dylan was in the 3 year old class, no one else from his class will be going to Kindergarten this year. But, that leaves lots of opportunity to make even more friends.

Dylan just loves Mrs Baker...and she loves him.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Spring finally decided to grace us with her presence and I'm pretty sure every single person in the state of Michigan is rejoicing with me. We have been spending lots of time outside soaking up the perfect temps and sunshine...when the rain stops for a day.

Back in March, I was called into the Young Women's program at church. I teach the Mia Maids class. Since Dylan was born, I have always taught in the Junior Primary. I loved it for a couple years, but now that I have two small children at home whom I spend vast amounts of time with by myself, I was just irritated being around children for those two hours at church. I am loving working with the teenagers. The leaders in YW are so much fun and the girls are hilarious and have some good discussions. A couple weeks ago, they wanted to do a Photography night for their mid-week activity. Since I just finished taking a photography class, they asked me to teach them some things and then we went outside to practice. We all had a lot of fun.

Most of the girls in my class were able to make it and they all had a great time posing for pictures.

My kids are so so so happy to be able to finally play outside. Especially Dylan. He is loving riding his bike, running around, and practicing skateboarding. He begs to go outside for hours on end...until he finally gets what he wants.

Lena is so easy to please. Sit her on a blanket with some toys and she is happy as can be.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Belated Birthday Post

We celebrated Lena's 1st Birthday while in S Carolina. The months leading up to her turning one were really hard on me. With Dylan, I was so so excited for every new milestone. I am excited with Lena, but it's also bittersweet. I have just loved her as a baby and feel like her first year went by so much quicker than Dylan's did. I'm sure it has to do with how busy the year was, especially since I had a preschooler to take care of. The past year just went by in fast forward. I was certain that I would cry on her actual Birthday, but lucky me, I was able to just sit back and enjoy.

Gram and Pa always take care of their kin on holidays. Birthdays are no exception. Only one and Lena is already a spoiled little Princess.

Her tinkerbell cake

I wanted a special outfit for Lena to wear, but didn't want to sell a body part to be able to afford one. At first I was thinking a pettiskirt, but quickly realized that is the hot trend right now and I refuse to be sucked into hot trends. (other trends I refuse to cave into are skinny jeans, leggings on grown women, boots over pants, and jumpsuits of the one-piece variety) Anyway, my friend Nicole volunteered to make some rufflebuns for Lena. When the package arrived in the mail, I was pleasantly surprised to find not only the bloomers but a way cute tank top to match. Lena looked ADORABLE and I'm so thankful to have such talented friends.

I've been pretty careful to not let Lena have much sugar. I feel like I am partly to blame for Dylan's poor diet and I am hoping to correct some bad habits by altering some things with Lena. Therefore, her smash cake was probably the second time she had a bakery item. I'm not sure she even got a bite of the actual cake, but she was all about the frosting.

The card I made for my sweet little miniature me.

Ogling the presents. Took her a few minutes to figure things out, but she thoroughly enjoyed her loot.

Like I've said before, this girl LOVES Elmo. So, most of her gifts involved her favorite character...books, dolls, toys. She makes sure to give Elmo open-mouthed kisses every chance she gets.

I think it's safe to say that Lena had a great Birthday.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Half the Family

The kids and I spent the first half of April in the Carolinas visiting friends and family. We see my parents every few months, but haven't seen my siblings or our NC friends since last summer. While in Charleston, my mom asked one of her friends to do a photo shoot with her grandkids. These are some of the awesome pictures she captured.

We were lucky in that the boys actually cooperated (mostly) this time around. Last time we attempted this, Dylan only let us get a couple shots and Noah wouldn't even get in front of the camera.

Lena still loves the camera. She smiles everytime she's in front of one. It's adorable.

Kathleen and I weren't very close growing up because of the age gap. She was still in Elementary school when I moved away to college. But, these past couple years we've grown pretty close and I love spending time with her and my cute nephew Noah. I love her...even though she's taller and skinnier than me...hahaha.

Dylan is one of those kids whom everyone loves. He just has one of those infectious personalities and he loves to chat with anyone. He has a really special relationship with my Mom. He just adores her, as she does him.

My little mini-me. One year later and I'm still as smitten with her as the day she was born. She's developing quite the fun and sassy personality.

See how I'm holding onto Dylan to make sure he doesn't run away? Yeah, that's how it goes with a 4 1/2 year old boy. Love him.

Dylan and Noah don't get to see each other very often, but man, they make up for lost time quickly. They love each other and it is so so so so fun to watch them interact. Noah is really able to carry on a conversation now and it was so cute watching him and Dylan have secret talks.